
Chapter 611: A shop

Chapter 611: A shop

Song Yixu brought Yu Dong and Aunt Wang to her restaurant, unlike the times when there was no flood, the entire restaurant was empty and they did not even have to go to the private room, instead, Song Yixu simply led them to a corner in the eating space of her restaurant and then turned to look at Yu Dong who was standing behind and then said, " Please take a seat."          

Yu Dong nodded and then sat down, Aunt Wang who has never been to such a high-profile restaurant was a bit troubled when Song Yixu asked them to sit down but when she saw that Yu Dong was behaving very naturally in front of Song Yixu, she too calmed herself down and then took a seat on the chair.      

Once Yu Dong and Aunt Wang sat down Song Yixu who was standing also sat down and then turned her attention to Yu Dong. " It has been a long time since I lost saw you, I hope that you and everyone in your family are fine. Earlier I was thinking of going to your village to see whether or not you were doing fine but the situation in the town …" she sighed and did not finish what she was saying.      

" Thank you for asking Miss Song," Yu Dong was very polite in her answer as well even though she was scheming a little against Song Yixu, she was smart enough to know when to stop which was why she did not show any arrogance in front of Song Yixu and calmly replied, " We are fine, I hope you were fine as well, the flood seemed to have caused a lot of damage in the town as well."      

Even though the damages in the town were not as bad as in the village but they could see that the town was not that unaffected either.      

Song Yixu smiled wryly as she looked at Yu Dong and then said, " As you can see the condition of my restaurant is not really good, with this sudden disaster taking place no one wants to eat in the restaurant, even though my financial situation will hardly be affected by such a small thing but what I cannot accept is that the shop owners who were in charge of selling me rice and grains have doubled the price of the rice that they were selling me in the past."      

"I am not petty but these shopkeepers are actually taking advantage of these perilous situations, how can I not be unhappy with their actions?" Song Yixu\'s face twisted in anger as she thought about how those greedy merchants told her that if she wanted to buy rice from them, she will have to give them double the downpayment of the rice that she used to give them earlier, she was furious when she heard their words and immediately refused to say that she would rather shut down her restaurant than listen to their wilful requests.     

But what she did not expect was the merchants seemed to have been united in this situation, they all have agreed to not sell the rice lesser than five taels a meter and the price was still increasing, it was to the point that if she was to buy her usual amount then half of her savings would be gone to buy rice!      

" I was originally thinking about lowering the price of my dishes and offering a very cheap meal to those who lost their houses on this floor but with the changes in the situation around me, I cannot do it," Song Yixu sighed in regret, she was not a profiteer like those merchants, the reason her restaurant had such fame was that she was someone who would act flexibly given what kind of conditions everyone was living in, she was famous for being charitable, the last time when drought struck the village, her mother had done the same.      

Her mother gave very filling meals when the people who did not have anything to eat and thus saving a lot of lives, Song Yixu grew up with her mother and thus watched her mother doing acts of kindness.      

Song Yixu too wanted to do the same to make sure that her mother\'s legacy would live on but with the raising price of grains made it impossible for her to do that, even if she was to buy the grains, she wouldn\'t be able to feed half of the villagers who escaped from their village.     

She went outside today to see if she could find any shop that will be willing to sell her grains at a reasonable price but even after looking around the entire town, she could not find a single shop that was willing to sell rice at a decent price. They all offered the same price which was —— five taels per gram!      

Yu Dong\'s eyes flickered, she did not think that the opportunity of selling her rice would come this quickly. She smiled and suddenly felt quite gratified, when she was harvesting rice, she thought that she might have grown a lot of rice but now that she was looking at the situation in front of her, she felt that she was not wrong in sowing that much rice!      

" I can help you if you are really willing to help the needy," Yu Dong was going to sell the rice that she has grown at a higher price than usual but lower than the rice that was being sold by the shopkeepers of the town but now that she knew that Song Yixu wanted to help those who lost everything, she was not willing to take advantage of Song Yixu. " I will sell you rice grains at the same price as they were being sold before the flood but in return, I will ask for a small favour from Miss Song."     

"  Go ahead," Song Yixu did not refuse Yu Dong since the latter was willing to sell rice grains to her at the same price as they were being sold before the flood.     

" If Miss Song does not mind? Will you be willing to look for a small shop where I can sell rice?"     


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