Chapter 129: Crash Landing
When the power of the Midnight Crown went away, Kastral's speed gradually decreased until it stopped about fifty meters in the air. They began falling towards the ground, but neither seemed to notice, since they were currently passed out.
Surviving Amygdala's power, even just a fraction of it took every speck of essence they had and even in the past minute or so they were running on fumes. Now, there was no power in them.
The ground came closer each moment, but neither could do anything to stop it. They soon hit it with a lot of force, then both just lay there, no strength to move or do anything.
When Sera woke up the sun was already touching the western horizon. The dark orange color ignited the sky like an open flame. As her eyes opened a painful headache hit her head.
It took all her power not to scream from the pain. Her muscles spasmed and her breathing near stopped. In her mind a picture appeared of something she shouldn't have seen... An old man in a lab coat.
The pain went away in the next second, just like the memory. The feeling of losing something still lingered, like she had to remember but she couldn't.
'Why do I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something?... I don't understand!'
Her body was trembling from concentration, but no matter how hard she tried there was an impenetrable wall in her mind. After a minute of this she stopped to take a breath and continue trying, but in the next moment the sensation went away.
Sera felt a bit disoriented not quite remembering what she was doing, then decided to look for Kastral since they both fell from quite high.
It took her another few minutes to finally gather enough strength to get up from the ground. The first thing she had done after standing, is to look around for any signs of danger.
She was standing in the middle of a plain field with nothing around her, but bushes and tall grass. Her eyes quickly focused on one spot where the grass had been trampled.
'Maybe that's where he fell?... I should check it out anyway!'
Sera raised her feet and was about to take a step, when a pain pierced through her hip. It was excruciating and in the next second she was falling back to the ground. Even worse she landed on her left arm which sent another flare of pain through her nerves.
'FUCK!... Okay... Part of the right side of my pelvis is fractured and part of my left arm too... This is just FUCKING GREAT!'
At this point she was truly furious at the world and how much it hates her. Using her right hand and left leg she began to rise, but a small scream of pain managed to escape her lips. When she was standing again, she became a bit wobbly but soon centralized herself.
"Dammit... *sigh* Okay, what now?" She asked not expecting an answer from anyone, but one came anyway. All around her the grass started to move, something or someone was coming in her direction.
All her senses went out when she fell, only her eyes and touch came back since then, but gradually all returned. The next thing that came back was her sense of smell, which she immediately cursed. There was a horrible rotting stench coming from every direction. It was like a person who lived their entire life without cleaning themselves once. .net
But only when her hearing returned did she figure out what was going on. All around her were giggling and shouting sounds, the language they spoke was unknown to her, but she learned about these creatures in university.
Her hand moved fast and in the next second a longsword appeared in it, she also tried to summon her armor, but there wasn't enough essence for that yet. Without care for her protection, she moved into a basic guard position that Bea taught her a long time ago.
She must've woken up just in time, because the first of the small creature came out of the tall grass. It was a bit over one meter tall, covered in some rusty armor and holding an even worse weapon. Behind its helmet a constant giggling sound came, and it began shouting something to its companions.
In the cracks of its armor Sera saw its skin, which was the color of rotting wood. Soon the laughing came all around her and more small creatures jumped out of the tall grass. Some wore similar armor and weapons, but there were others who didn't even have that.
These wore a loincloth or some other clothing, in their hand was a bone or a sturdy stick which they used as a weapon.
When Sera saw the first one without a helmet she nearly vomited from disgust. Its head was disproportionate for it's body, the ears elongated and pointy, the teeth sharp and growing out of their gums unevenly. The eyes were pure dark green, no iris or pupil just a disturbing blob.
Their mouth constantly salivated as they spoke to each other and giggled. The hair on their head was few on some, but others had a lot more... This was the only gender indicator Sera found.
From the few classes she went to before the disaster, she learned about these creatures. They were from a different realm, but non of them seem to be affected by Madness. That might have been good for other races, but these ones were even worse in some ways than Madness.
Beings of pure evil and debauchery, they just kill, eat their victims and fuck them... In an interchangeable order.
After the Apocalypse back before Sera was born these creatures came through from realm gates all over the world. They were one of the main enemies humanity had to fight for survival... Goblins.
One of them, a bit taller than the rest, pointed his not that rusty sword at Sera and spoke to her. While they were talking and laughing she tried to turn on her Watch's translation feature, but whatever Amygdala has done to it, broke its interface completely.
With no way of answering Sera did the only thing that might get her out of this situation. Her speed was quite slow because of the injuries, but she made up for the distance with elongating her weapon by another meter.
Using her two and a half meter sword she made one quick slash and decapitated five goblins at once, including the one that spoke to her. Sadly this trick would only work once, and there were still about thirty goblins all around her.
Her sword returned to its normal size to not hinder her movement, and with one move she intercepted a strike coming towards her leg. She used her bigger body to her advantage and with the next move a sword arm joined the five heads.
The next two goblins took a bit more effort, which meant they died in three moves. And so did three other. On the ground the number of heads and limbs grew as the slaying continued.
Back in the Apocalypse the goblins were a big enemy not because of their skill or technology, but their numbers. On the war-stricken land of Earth, with people who haven't learned hand-to-hand combat in generations, the humans had to adapt quickly.
Possibly half of the worlds population died by the hands of goblins. As this fact came to her mind Sera's anger ignited tenfold, and as the next five goblin was about to jump her they suddenly stopped.
Their hands trembled and some even dropped their weapons. The air around them carried the smell of fresh urine and feces, as the goblins shat themselves from fear.
On Sera's mouth a small smirk appeared, and not caring about the smell she continued to kill every single goblin around her. There was no pity or second guessing, she knew exactly what type of creatures these beasts were. At least the monsters she fought before are Mad, but these ones are just simply pure evil.
Her clothes were covered in bright green fluorescent blood... Goblin blood.
Looking around and seeing all the terrified expressions on the corpses she laughed.
If someone would look and see this woman, they would think her a monster. Laughing in a sea of corpses, it wasn't something a good, kind and forgiving person would do. These thoughts appeared in her head as well, but she quickly sent them away and tried to calm her joyfulness.
After minutes of constant laughter, she moved on with a big smile on her face. With a limp on her right side she approached the area she first spotted.
It was a bit bigger than Kastral, but she found a few white feathers which was a clear indication of his landing spot. There was only one problem... He wasn't here.
Towards the east the tall grass was trampled and more feathers were dropped on the ground. There were also parts of a rope and small footprints all over the area.
"Those fuckers took my eternal friend?!... *Chuckling* Looks like the real massacre haven't even started yet! Hahahaah..."
The laughing returned in earnest, and without much thought she followed the trail to whatever camp the goblins had.