
Chapter 182 The Component Of A Town . . .


"Do you want me to explain the different stat of a territory?" Athena asked after a short time.

"Before that." I looked at the others. "Do you have any questions so far?"

The others didn\'t comment and continued to retreat into their zone of comfort. It was Jin who answered.

"So far, I can catch up. I\'m already six months in this world after all."

"How about you, Amara?" I asked the woman beside me.

Amara rubbed her temples and shied a smile. "I can manage."

I\'m sure she would. She was intelligent, after all, and quick to understand. "If you wanted to clarify something, you could always ask Athena."

Her smile drop. "Is that right?" she then snubbed away. "Then I will in the future."

I wonder what I did or said that triggered that reaction.

<She must want Host to answer all her questions~>

Anyway. "Tell us that stat, Athena."

Athena nodded and proceeded, "The first is population. This measures the raw power of citizens and their untapped potential rather than the number of people. The higher the score, the higher the potential that you can recruit the right creatures at the right time. This could include filling the ranks of your armies with useful soldiers as well as using those armies to perform less than savory jobs."

"I like that population already," Jin said. "We need armies. A lot of them."

"We can discuss about that after Athena finish her explanations."

Jin went back into silence and leaned on his seat.

"The second is Economy," Athena continued. "Economy measures the potential for creating and discovering wealth in your realm. The higher these numbers are, the greater the effort that your people would use the natural resources, investment, and labor of your realm to improve itself.

"The next is Order. This measures the defenses, political stability, military support, and infrastructure of your realm. The higher the number, the higher the chance of mitigating the effects of a disaster, diseases, or when you want to improve a unit.

"Next is Magic. This attribute represents the prevalence of magic in your realm\'s daily life, like using magic to disintegrate waste or puff a fire on a stove. It also covered magical defenses and artillery that used mana. The higher the numbers, the higher that your people could learn higher spells and create magical items.

"Next is Culture. This represents the influence you exert on other realms, the strength of your people\'s identity, and the skill of particular individuals to blend in and assimilate with and infiltrate other cultures. A higher culture can make your people tap into their potential and improve their living by using their skills in the arts and thus generating more income for your realm.

"And last is Diplomacy. This represents the collective international relations efforts of your realm and their effectiveness in achieving your ends. The higher the number, the higher the chance that your inhabitants, or anyone you assigned the role of governing your realm, can try to persuade, deceive or cooperate with an opposing realm. It\'s essential for sabotage and trade.

"And lastly, I will end the AP by how you can collect these points and distribute them to your TS. Once you have your first NPC, the corresponding information of your TS will automatically integrate into your HAVEN Menu. And you can now collect AP points to distribute to your TS by accomplishing [Task].

"These tasks are usually in the form of missions that you can assign your associates to clear. This mission is usually related to the improvement of your people or your realm. And every day, there are always new [Tasks] for you to accomplish. You can access [Tasks] in HAVEN Menu as well.

"And like regular missions, they have their set of time limits too. So I suggest looking at the [Tasks] often once it\'s accessible. It\'s important to do all of it so you can have enough points into growing your city."

"So in short . . . this AP and TS are like my way of controlling the inhabitants and the city?"

Athena nodded. "It kind of works that way. Your territory will grow for sure. There\'s no way that you can control hundreds or thousands of creatures every day. This TS can help you in managing your realm and your people without the hassle while you can go on your own day-to-day activity."

"That\'s a relief." It sounded complicated but I think it worked like those in life simulation games.

"And another thing, My Lord," Athena looked at me. "Since you\'re the owner of this land, you\'re the only one who can access this [Menus] unless, of course, if you assign a Co-leader to manage your fief while you\'re away."

"Got it."

"I kind of get the whole setting of this," Amara chimed in. "But you did mention before that when an inhabitant migrated to us, we can reproduce it? What do you mean by that?"

Instead of answering, Athena\'s eyes went to me. "Do you want me to explain about the technological aspect of your territory, my lord?"

I shrugged. "You might as well. Jin here is more interested in amassing armies than anything else right now."

Jin folded his hand. "We\'ll I\'m sorry for thinking about our safety and the impending war you brought upon us."

Amara guiltily bit her lip while I asked Athena to carry on. And she did, didn\'t care about the war as long as she carried out her role.

"Once you have your very first inhabitant in your territory, all their information will be stored in your population library. And once you have built enough [Barracks] for your soldiers, you can start mass producing them using the elixirs that you have accumulated."

"That\'s great news," said Jin. "It\'s like we would have unlimited numbers of troops!"

"However, at the current moment, the [Barrack] is only level one and can only produce one hundred armies per [Barrack]. If you wanted to produce more, you have to upgrade the barracks or add another one."

Jin\'s shoulders slumped. "Of course, there would always be bad news and limitations. Hundreds is nowhere near enough against thousands."

"What\'s more," Athena added, "you also need to put a lot of [Elixirs] and upgrade them if you\'re planning to produce an army in the thousand. Depending on the race and level, they could range from 1 000 Elixir drops to 1 000 000 Elixir drops. And, of course, with it you also need [Elixir Storages] to store this huge amount of Elixirs as well."

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