
Chapter 144 Purpose

If that were true, then it would make enough sense for them to become rulers just by existing to most people… Still, that doesn\'t make sense considering that her mother\'s former subjects captured her. A lot of things started to make even less sense now that he knew several new things that was really troubling.

"And?" Aion asked.

"Aren\'t you wondering if you have the blood of the goddess in your veins?" Lexus asked. "Those who know about that think that you are so strong because of that. Even if you aren\'t a pure-blooded descendant."

"I don\'t care about that," Aion replied.

"I suppose that is just like you… Regardless, it is said among some legends of the Mirelis kingdom that the goddess showed up many times in their history to help the kingdom when it was about to be destroyed. So… they want to bring the goddess back again by using your mother."

"Those pieces of shit… they want to sacrifice her!?" Aion asked.

Aion\'s magical power answered his anger to the point that it began to distort the air around him… the air began to vibrate until the area of the ground started to burn around him, and some lightning sparks began to appear. His father could tell that he had gotten a lot stronger than before, and he hadn\'t reached his potential yet... although it didn\'t work like planned, the idea of the king truly was showing some results.

"There is that possibility…" Lexus said. "I can\'t say for certain. "In the first place, that way of thinking is weird… after all, many nations attacked that kingdom, and the goddess didn\'t do anything to help them. Still, I thought it would be better if your mother lived a life where she had some amount of freedom. That was why I wasn\'t against your wish when you won the tournament. I never found those legends much believable, but I didn\'t want to take any chances…"

"Are they going to do something to her in her former kingdom?" Aion asked.

"That is… I don\'t know," Lexus said. "That land is under the control of those cutthroats… and they also are hated by the survivors as much as us. They are probably planning to do something on their original territory… it is said that the first members of the royal family came from further east and, with their magic, turned the desert into a green and prosperous land."

"Further East… I guess this is better than nothing," Aion said. "I am leaving. You should tell someone to manage the territory for a while because I won\'t return until I get mom from the hands of those assholes."

"Since it is you, I think you can do something about that, but we can\'t send any help without risking the start of another war," Lexus said. "I am sorry about that."

"Well, I wouldn\'t be able to wait until a proper army is assembled, anyways," Aion said.

" That makes sense. Go without worrying about things here. I will do something about it," Lexus said. "If you need for information, try to find some brokers from the dark guild. They can give you any information as long as you give them money. However, they will sell information regarding you as well, and someone looking for those guys will definitely look suspicious."

"All right, thanks, father," Aion said and then began to fly again.

Lexus noticed that Aion was exhausted since he didn\'t have many chances to sleep in the previous few days. Which was weird, considering how much he could do with his magic… Nevertheless, Lexus ended up thinking about something else. If Aion fails, what is going to happen to him? What will he do? Aion never showed much interest in the past of his mother\'s homeland. Still, he always got serious when his mother was the center of his focus. He didn\'t tolerate her sadness or when others disrespected her… in the end, Lexus could only hope that a disaster won\'t happen.

Aion kept moving throughout the night, but when morning came, he reached the limit of his exhaustion. He used too much mana and stamina. Any more than that, he might make Devotion fail. With that in mind, Aion looked for the nearest city and then hired a merchant to drive him further east. Usually, those guys wouldn\'t travel with strangers. However, Aion paid him a lot and immediately began to sleep when he got in the carriage.

In the end, Aion woke up at noon and then left the carriage by flying without telling the merchant. He did that for several days until he reached the kingdom\'s border and saw many fortresses and watchtowers around. That wasn\'t exactly the border, but it was the land that the kingdom still was using after it was taken from the Mirelis Kingdom. The land beyond that region mainly was desert aside from the area of the former capital of that kingdom.

"The area between the border and the enemy\'s bases will be hard to travel… due to the desert," Aion thought.

That was only half of the problem, and Aion would learn that soon enough. Aion began to fly and easily crossed the border without being seen. Thanks to that, he didn\'t notice one very important activity of the people guarding the borders. He only realized that when he was almost out of mana and landed to run…

It was amazing that Aion didn\'t realize that when he was flying, but the temperature increased by leaps and bounds when he landed. The heat quickly began to eat away at Aion\'s stamina. He trained hard to withstand several environments, and thanks to the Guardian class, he would endure that. Still, his moving speed would decrease a lot…

As if that wasn\'t troublesome enough, Aion felt something weird… his instincts were warning him of an enemy attack. He considered the possibilities of finding bandits, but not so soon… Still, he understood that his enemies weren\'t bandits when the sand below him sunk, and then a huge mouth opened.

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