
Chapter 140 The Fire Of Hope

"It's true the Adventurer's Association did okay this collaboration with the Numbers Academy." Head Captain Sylv agreed. "I will trust your judgment, Lady Akali. The next generation needs to be trained with experience in order to understand the realities of the world we live in now."

"We are  really  allowing this? We have put systems into place so the next generation doesn't suffer as much as we did! Shouldn't we push that?" Commander Reeves asked.

'I can't tell if he's genuinely truthful about this or not. Just a second ago, he singled me out of the entire group. He doesn't like me because I'm the Creator's son... And now he's pushing for safety with Academy students?' Lee Seng pondered. He scratched his head and shook his head.

"I understand your concerns, but these students are in the Numbers Academy because they want to be the next generation of front liners." Akali motioned at the group of students. She turned to look at the students. "Tell me, why did you enter the Numbers Academy?" She motioned at the students and Felicia raised her hand. Akali motioned at her to speak.

"Well... I want to join the military force." Felicia spoke.

"And why's that?" Akali asked.

"I want to protect the people and the military does that. Adventurers and officers do similar things, but I want to protect what's all around us, so everyone can be safer."

"And what about the rest of you? Yamada?" Akali motioned for Ritsuka to speak.

"I haven't decided, yet." Ritsuka answered. "I just know I want to fight."

"And what of you Jason and Lee Seng? What do you want to do?" Akali asked.

"I've been asking myself that question, too. 'What do I want to do?'" Jason traced the scars on his hands. He looked up at Akali and the four leaders and shrugged. "I don't know if I want to be an officer still because I lack so much control, but I know I want to help." Lee Seng found himself turning to look at Jason. Jason was tracing the scars on his left hand, up into the sleeves of his arms.

'Has he really been thinking about what happened a couple weeks ago...?' Lee Seng wondered. 'So Jae blocked me from Jason on purpose then... He knew what his brother is going through...' A tinge of guilt pierced his heart, making him feel bad about what he was going to say to Jason that day.

"And why do you say that, Jason?" Akali wondered. She folded her arms together. Lee Seng noticed she was actually paying attention.

'She never pays attention unless...' Jason looked up at Akali. He stopped tracing his scars and shrugged.

"I..." Jason gulped. He felt all the eyes in the room staring at him. He felt like he was shrinking and they were all staring into a microscope. "I..." Lee Seng moved over to Jason and blocked him from Akali and the leaders.

"As for me, I want to see the old world. In order to do that, I need to become an adventurer, so I can go on these expeditions." Lee Seng's defensive stance made Akali turn. She simply nodded and looked back at the other leaders. The leaders slowly removed their gazes from Jason. Lee Seng turned halfway to look at Jason and saw his eyes looking up at Lee Seng.

"You want to discover the Old World and take it back for humanity?" Police Chief Hong asked. Lee Seng nodded. "You have much to learn and grow in order to become one of the many people waiting for that opportunity. You'd have to fight against thousands of adventurers waiting for that opportunity."

"I know, sir." Lee Seng gave a warm smile. He couldn't help it when it came to his dream. He knew the price he had to pay and he knew he was far from it. "I've been training years for this opportunity. Everyone's already running the marathon and I only just started a month ago. Three years to one month is a vast difference. I understand I have much to improve, learn, and realize. That's why I have to fight harder than my teammates. I was given an opportunity to achieve my dreams. Just because I look different from everyone else, doesn't mean I'm going to stop."

"And what if you can't achieve your dream? What will you do then?" Director Fulgrum asked. Lee Seng thought for awhile. He could sense Jason's anxiety behind him.

'How do I say this to ease your pain and mine?' Lee Seng thought.

"If you can't reach your dream of getting on a expedition to uncover the Old World, what will you do? Will you be defeated?" Command Reeves added. Lee Seng bit the inside of his cheek and took a step forward.

"I won't know until I reach that point, right?" Lee Seng spoke. "How will I ever know if I just stand here and talk about it?" Jason stopped tracing his scars and raised his gaze to Lee Seng's back. Lee Seng patted his chest twice and smiled. "The dream is to uncover the Old World. Yes, I would love to give the Old World back to humanity, but I just want to explore the world and how it was then. How much it has changed since then. I've listened to many stories of how it used to be. I know how things are now. Fortified cities like the one we live in.

"If they aren't fortified, the monsters get in. I want to be one of the people who can allow humanity to take back what they created. There's much we don't know about the new world and I want to see and learn about the world while looking for old cities and homes." Lee Seng explained.

"I want to take back what's ours." Ritsuka gave a thumbs-up to Lee Seng as he turned around.

"Give us more space to live so we aren't so congested in this city." Felicia added. Lee Seng nodded and turned back to look at the leaders.

"To not feel so small in a big world." Jason spoke. Lee Seng turned back and lingered on Jason. He smiled and watched Jason raise himself up. The fire in his eyes were back. "I want to not feel so small in this big world. In this cramped city."

"There you go, leaders." Akali clapped her hands. She motioned at the students, smiling. "The next generation wants what we've been fighting so hard for. We fight for humanity."

"A worthy cause many generations will fight for." Sir Xavier's voice spoke up. "We are one of  many  people who will dedicate our lives to see humanity grow safer. The world should be shared for many people to see. Captiol City grew to become what it is because the Creator lived here. We are one of many cities fighting every day to ensure the safety of humanity."

"Mmm, the hope of humanity will always be passed onto the next generation." Director Fulgrum nodded. "Work hard students! I will root for you and await for whoever chooses to become an adventurer."

"If that answers everything, I think its time for us to secure SW point 4." Akali chimed in. Head Captain Sylv tapped her watch and a holographic screen popped up. Her eyes scanned the new information and she nodded.

"Sir Xavier, do you think your team can aid Lady Akali and her students?" Head Captain Sylv asked.

"Yes, Head Captain." Sir Xavier saluted.

"Good, I will push some new forces we have into the different points. It seems like two more points are reporting similar holes. Secure the hole and we'll send people into figure out if the hole goes towards the city. We cannot let that happen at all costs. Leaders, take necessary measures to protect the city at all costs. We need to make sure nobody gets inside the city."

Akali saluted. Lee Seng turned to watch the other students salute and quickly join them all in saluting.

"You're all dismissed. Please push out as soon as possible." Head Captain Sylv motioned. Akali turned and motioned for everyone to get out.

Lee Seng and the students followed Akali and Sir Xavier out. They chit-chatted about the mission ahead. Lee Seng yawned and rubbed his eyes.

'I hope we can defend the spot for backup to arrive.' Lee Seng thought. They pushed past the huge doors and Sir Xavier's team was standing outside, waiting for them.

"Ah, there you are!" Sir Xavier shouted. He went over and began to barrage his team with concerned questions of health.

"Sir Xavier really does act like a dad or grandpa, huh?" Ritsuka whispered. Lee Seng glanced at Ritsuka from the corners of his eyes and nodded.

"It's no wonder why the leaders respect him. Even Akali gives him respect." Lee Seng whispered.

"I want someone like that to be my leader." Felicia added.

"Well, enough chitchat!" Akali said loudly. "Let's get to work. I'll see you guys at the site." She waved at Sir Xavier's team, who all waved at her and the students. "Come on, students. Your second chance is here."

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