
Chapter 991 Six Years Later: The Last Failed One

It was pouring when Lee Seng and the BOS officers arrived on site. It was a forest shrine. Lee Seng clicked his suit, shielding himself as he stepped out of the car and into the rain. Lee Seng wore a skintight BOS suit. It was custom-made to adapt to his many abilities.  He held the gun in his hands as he closed the door and climbed the forest steps. 

"Be careful, Fox. Wouldn\'t want ya to lose anything." Harry said, snarkily. Harry Li, Alice Anderson, Carrie Haus, Yusef Jones and Japanese government operative Satoshi Miyazaki were following Lee Seng. 

"Don\'t worry about me. You would be glad if I died, right?" Lee Seng cocked a smile. Harry rolled his eyes and pushed past Lee Seng. 

"Assume formations." Harry spoke. 

"Yes, sir." The rest answered. Satoshi walked with Lee Seng, giving glances to the four-tailed Fox Spirit.

"I can\'t believe I\'m actually seeing the infamous Lee Seng Chang in front of me!" Satoshi spoke with a British accent. "To see you is like meeting a celebrity!"Lee Seng smiled at Satoshi and looked at him. "You\'re so fit. How do you even have time with all your missions?"

"Watch out!" Yusef shouted, producing a large shield in front of Satoshi. Lee Seng pulled Satoshi and turned. A large blast exploded on the shield, sharpening into Lee Seng\'s back. Satoshi gulped as Lee Seng let go of him.

"Three on us!" Alice shouted. "Fox!"

"I got it!" Lee Seng snapped his fingers, producing a large magical circle. "Aqua pila!" Water balls formed from the rain and shot in the direction of the attack. The water balls exploded against trees, missing their targets.

"They\'re fleeing! Let\'s go!" Harry ordered. Lee Seng turned and ran with the team.

"T-thank you for saving me. I didn\'t think they would attack so early." Satoshi said. 

"You can thank me later with a beer." Lee Seng smiled. They ran up the rest of the steps and broke off the path. Three hooded figures were running in different directions.

"Alice is with me! Carrie with Yusef. I\'ll leave Fox in your hands, Miyazaki-san!" Harry shouted. 

"Yes, sir!" The group nodded, splitting up. Lee Seng and Satoshi rushed after the leftmost hooded figure. The forest was slick, making it hard for the two to catch up. Satoshi put his hand up and Lee Seng watched lightning grow from his fingertips.

"I\'ll blast them and leave an opening for you!" Satoshi told Lee Seng. Lee Seng nodded and dashed to the side, listening to lightning explode out of Satoshi\'s finger tips. The lightning flew past the trees, weaving as if Satoshi was extremely used to fighting in tight conditions. The lightning rushed straight for the hooded figure, coursing outwards along the raindrops.

The hooded figure took the attack, blasting further away. Lee Seng blinked forward, reaching for the hooded figure. A large amount of energy grew from the hooded figure as lightning exploded outwards.

"Shit!" Lee Seng threw his arms up, flying straight into a tree. The tree split under the weight of Lee Seng and the attack. Lee Seng fell backwards, catching himself mid-air as the hooded figure landed on the ground, smoking.

"Stop right there!" Satoshi shouted at the hooded figure in Japanese. The hooded figure\'s form flickered with lightning. The sky exploded in light as a sinister smile grew on the hooded figure\'s  face. Lee Seng could feel the sinister energy. 

"It\'s definitely here." Lee Seng whispered, slipping his gun back onto his belt. He summoned his sword, drawing the hooded figure\'s attention. It pointed at him and laughed.

"You won\'t be able to get me! I won\'t allow it! Right as we speak, I\'m on the run! Will you ever find me, Failed One Killer?" The person spoke in perfect English. The hooded figure pulled its right hand back, charging lightning into its hand and releasing it onto Lee Seng. 

"Shield." Lee Seng spoke. Lightning collided against the shield, quickly turning to golden butterflies. 

"Whoa…" Satoshi gasped. "The golden butterflies… It was true!" The hooded figure pointed at Satoshi and released a bolt of lightning at him. Satoshi snapped out of it and reached for the lightning, guiding it with his right hand and redirecting it into the sky. Lee Seng blinked forward, swinging his sword. "Don\'t kill them!" Lee Seng flipped his sword to the side and slammed the sword into the hooded figure\'s head. 

The hooded figure\'s hood came off, revealing a woman. She fell onto the ground, passed out as a strange worm jumped out at Lee Seng. Lee Seng swung his hand at the worm, grabbing it with gravity. The worm screeched, revealing its razor sharp teeth. Satoshi ran over to the unconscious woman and knelt down.

"We captured one!" Satoshi spoke into the comm device on his jacket. "Detaining."

"Roger that." Alice\'s voice spoke. "Let Lee Seng hold onto her. Come to us! We found more running away!"

"Roger that." Lee Seng replied. He motioned the worm to disappear into the Void Storage and moved his hand to the unconscious woman. The woman lifted up, floating into the air. A portal opened up and Lee Seng gently pushed the woman into the back seat of the cruiser they had come in. 

"A portal… It is true! You can do that too?" Satoshi asked. The portal closed and Lee Seng nodded. "We should go." 

Satoshi and Lee Seng ran through the forest, following their allies\' markers. A large abandoned building appeared and many people were locked by BOS\'s capturing devices. Lee Seng portaled each person out into the back of the cruiser and continued on.

"We\'re nearing you." Satoshi informed the group.

"What the hell is that thing?" Yusef asked over comms. "It\'s … a worm?"

"Don\'t let it try to hit you!" Lee Seng shouted. He grabbed Satoshi and disappeared. The two reappeared in the thick of it. A large worm howled as it slammed its split tail ends at the BOS members. Yusef threw a shield up that shattered on impact. Yusef screamed as the tail froze mid-air. "Never listen to me." Lee seng threw the tail back, forcing the large worm to stumble. 

"What just happened?" Satoshi asked Lee Seng.

"You were graced with my cat-like speed." Lee Seng answered. He twirled his sword and lit his body up in golden armor. "I\'ll take it from here." 

"Yusef, are you alright?" Carrie rushed over. 

"I\'m fine. I didn\'t think Fox would save me, again." Yusef grumbled.

"You owe me twenty-four things now." Lee Seng reminded Yusef. Yusef mocked Lee Seng as he stepped further out. He looked up at the worm and smiled. "Failed One… You\'re #254, Alex Rivera."

"Don\'t say my dead name, you imbecile!" The worm screamed. Worms exploded out of the large worm\'s body, falling down like the rain. The worms merged into a humanoid body. A dark-skinned man stood with razor sharp teeth on his palms. His eyes were gone and his teeth were sharp. "I\'ll kill you!" 

Failed One 254 rushed at Lee Seng, throwing his hand up. A howl exploded out of 254\'s right hand-mouth. The screech shook the air, forcing everyone to cover their ears. 254 jumped forward, swinging his palm at Lee Seng. Lee Seng grabbed 254\'s arm and lifted him up in the air and slammed him on the ground.

"Come willingly and you might just live." Lee Seng told the Failed One.

"I\'d rather die than come back with you!" 254 shouted. Worms exploded out of his back, biting Lee Seng. Lee Seng stumbled backwards, feeling the tiny worms bite and worm themselves into his body. Lee Seng pushed the worms out with a single flex, watching the worms explode into bits. 254 jumped onto his feet, rushing for Yusef. 

Harry pulled his gun out and shot 254 in the head. The Failed One stopped running and widened his eyes. The hot bullet melted in his brain, dropping 254 to his knees. Lee Seng hovered his hand onto 254 and twisted him. The Failed One\'s head spun, ripping off and landing on the ground.

"Done." Lee Seng sighed. He wiped his face of rain and moved over to the Failed One. Lee Seng hovered his hand on the body and portaled it into the back of another car. He pointed at the head and tossed it in with it. 


"I want a hot bath." Lee Seng sighed, making his way back to the car.

"T-that\'s it?" Satoshi asked the rest. Yusef and Carrie followed Lee Seng. Alice and Harry moved over to Satoshi, nodding their heads.

"That\'s it." Harry sighed.

"I\'ll tell HQ we got another dead one." Alice pulled her phone out of her pocket. "They won\'t like this one bit."

"Stop trying to experiment on them. You\'re no better than my Dad." Lee Seng shouted. 

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