
Chapter 36 100,000 Nyx Credits

The situation surrounding the denizens of the city of Lux did not change just because Lukas got into or got broken up with in a relationship–instead, there was something that only increased the urgency.

It was why when the work day ended, a certain Serena Weisse arrived to confront–er, talk with him.

When it happened, Lukas nearly died of a heart attack. If Serena Weisse had shown even a bit of interest towards him, he was worried that it would appear like he was also cheating on Lily with them.

Fortunately… or unfortunately, depending on the perspective–the lack of interest was reassuring.

"I need to discuss a work opportunity with you." Serena Weisse said.

Lily and Lukas both exchanged looks. Lukas almost expected Lily to drag him away, make sure that he stayed and stuck by her side but then he received a nudge and a look from her that said otherwise.

That was how Lukas found himself speaking with Serena Weisse in private.

Even though Lukas tried not to look and admire the young woman, it was hard not to–even just meeting up with the little old him was still Serena looking like a stunner. It didn\'t help that her firm look also seemed more attractive.

"I… I have mulled over the situation as to why you rejected me."

"Woah, I didn\'t–"

"A hundred thousand Nyx Credits for you." Serena said.

"Wait–what?! What?!" Lukas nearly got another heart attack again at the number and this time he saw a smug little smirk on Serena\'s face.

"If you do not abide by moral upstanding, I suppose something like this would have been much more appealing, isn\'t it?"

Lukas shook his head. "It doesn\'t change the fact that the mission that you\'re asking from me is dangerous."

"Two hundred thousand Nyx Credits if Miss Chaerin Atticus joins you."

"You can\'t just raise the offer–"

"But I can." An amused smile twitched on Serena\'s lips as she crossed her arms over her chest and then raised her brow. "So what shall it be, Lukas?"

"You can\'t just buy me off with money–" Lukas tried to say but he was already computing about two hundred years of living off the money or a lavish lifestyle that he wanted.

He\'d be able to impress both Chaerin and Lily\'s family if he had that amount of money.

"There\'s the look on your face that says otherwise." Serena said.

"Well, shit–I don\'t… it\'s dangerous. The reason why you\'re willing to offer that much is because if I end up dead, you don\'t have to pay me or anything."

"I can pay you now–as long as we do a blood oath and swear that you\'ll do the mission."

A string of curses left Lukas\' mind as he kept his expression blank. This was a much better offer than Emerys di Verdant could ever offer him… or could she offer a better rate?

Actually, Lukas didn\'t even know why Serena was so invested in protecting the city.

"Why are you doing this anyway? Why not let someone else do the dirty job for you to find me?" Lukas asked. "If you guys were serious, you could have us kidnapped and thrown out of the city and be required to submit to your rules before granted entry again."

"That is an interesting prospect and something we might do if you continue our refusal–but the reason why I do things is none of your business. Only know that my vested interest is in the safety of the city."

"Is your father like a king or something?" Lukas chuckled slightly.

"No." Serena frowned and stared at him hard. "But my father was an Overlord and he was once the guardian of this city alongside his peers."

"Oh… I see." Lukas coughed slightly. He made it a point to never bring up the grimoire he saw from the Blood Works.

Lukas was sort of positive that her reaction would change if–wait a second.

"If you\'re so important, you can probably get me anything I want right? On top of the money?"

"Ah, you are unsatisfied with the offer. Speak and inform me of what you desire and I shall bring it to you in exchange for your servitude–service to the city."

If that wasn\'t an indication of Serena\'s perspective on herself, Lukas didn\'t know what did. But for now he cleared his throat. "There\'s some items that I want from the display of Blood Works and if I can also get my hands on them–"

"Those are relics of the past! Fine weapons used by our great warriors who served the city–!"

"So is that a no?"

"What do you think?" Serena deadpanned. "It\'s not easy to give and I am sure that losing them while on the mission will give consequential events when the humans lay their hands on it."

"Uhhh… I just want to keep it as memorabilia?" Lukas scratched his head. "I could also keep it for a while and then resell it back to Blood Works if they can give me a good price for it."

"That\'s…" Serena\'s eyes narrowed at him.

It was begrudgingly impressive.

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