
Chapter 274 A Completely Different Direction 7

Chapter 274 A Completely Different Direction 7

"You… you have a lot of spare time on your hands then," Lukas said, completely ignoring the cup of tea that was proffered up. "You could be doing other things like running your city but all you do is stalk on some young men and women and what they\'re doing?"

"Ah, ah, you forget that these young men and women are very important people." Heloise said. "We have the two Vardoken siblings and a situation that we didn\'t know was happening in Lux. You can say that this has taken precedence due to the importance and wealth of information you all have brought."

"Very… well, I understand your point." Lukas said. He couldn\'t help but wonder if Serena and the others were going to have a hard time due to their actions here in Nyx.

"And I am pleased to hear that. You may be well-liked by that Aurelius, but you\'re not as stubborn as that old coot."

"… aren\'t you supposed to be older than him?" Lukas asked.

Heloise\'s expression turned icy for a moment before she glanced at him with a crinkled eye smile. "And what makes you say that?"

"The energy." Lukas shrugged. "You… you seem more powerful?"

"Hah. Is that one of your ways to catch me offguard or butter me up, young man?" Heloise asked with a more genuine smile. "I\'d be happier if you sat down and then have some of this tea I\'m having. It\'s quite remarkable."

"I\'m not in the mood for drinking tea right now."

"Hmm, you must have had some with the Durands?"

Lukas wanted to balk, but the woman just said that there were ways that she could observe the city… or did she?

It was just a sudden thought, but surely, no woman should have that enough power to govern all the streets and territories of Nyx, right?

Lukas wasn\'t going to give her an answer—and while it could have been read as yes, it was still a non-answer in the end and would protect the Durand House in case the woman truly did not possess such vantage point about the city.

"Either way, I am glad that you have survived the Dark Forest." Heloise said with a soft sigh. "I was unaware that there would be such dangers present in a vicinity so close to ours."

"…It\'s name is Dark Forest. If it didn\'t have anything dangerous in it, then it could have as easily just been, Safe Forest." Lukas said.

"You find problem in the naming conventions?" Heloise said.

"No, I\'m just saying that it\'s naive. The forest existed far longer than you guys have so if it didn\'t have anything dangerous in it, that would be surprising."

"Hmm, so you think that the longer a thing or individual has existed, the more powerful they are?"

"They wouldn\'t have survived long enough if that weren\'t the case."

"Sometimes it\'s not a case of power though." Heloise murmured both to herself and him. "Sometimes it\'s just using one\'s head and surviving. Some people have all the power but they still end up getting defeated all the same. Power can only do so much in the end… I do not wish to be rude, but I point the Vardoken House as a prime example."

Lukas wanted to glare at her but there was an almost sad way she had spoken it. There was also a pained look in Heloise\'s face and for a moment, her face grew weary and her shoulders became heavy.

While Heloise was not as old as Drusilla, it didn\'t change the fact that age had also taken care of her. It was natural that you\'d end up experiencing pain and loss as one went about the thing called life and Lukas was sure that someone of Heloise\'s age probably had lots of stories…

Lukas caught his line of thoughts and jerked up.

Why was he thinking that? He had been livid earlier and with a great amount of suspicion for the Heloise House that it didn\'t make sense that he was having sympathy now.

It didn\'t excuse people from the actions they\'ve done.

While it could explain things as to why a person did something, it was still not an excuse or a free pass from their actions if they did something criminal.

… And it had to be borderline criminal to be stalking people, even if it were for the sake of the city, right?

"You look so conflicted, young man. I simply summoned here to see if you are well." Heloise sighed as she returned to her seat and plopped down. "I\'ve become aware of the incident in the Dark Forest and worry about your condition. For the young mind, it can be an entirely traumatizing experience and you may feel the urge to do irrational things and also lash out at individuals in an attempt to gain back a sense of control to your situuation."

"Hence why you wanted to put a stopper to it?"

"I truly mean genuine and good things for all us. You, your friends and us here in the city. It is a shame that my sincerity can\'t be felt," Heloise sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "Would it be more believable if it was Overlord Leonardo Aurelius that had checked on you? I think I can summon that coot if you wish if that would put you more at ease."

"That won\'t be necessary," Lukas said. He had remembered how defeated Overlord Aurelius was after the meeting with the Overlords, he didn\'t want the old man to go through the same thing again if Lukas had any choice.


"Then our conversation is done, I hope?" Lukas said as he glanced about the room. "I am sure that you may be able to make me stay in this room and perhaps even just announce me dead to the people I came with, but if you are true to your claims of wanting good then you will allow me to leave this room and finally get some rest, right?"

"Ah, perhaps I should have spoken to you when you\'re more well-rested. Please feel free to get some rest."

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