
Chapter 92 92. Meeting Amy Again.

Once he was done eating, he dressed up and drove to the Stark mansion. Upon arriving at the gate, he met the same guards as the previous day and they took their time to thoroughly search his car before granting him entry.

While he drove past the gate, he noticed that there were only twenty guards around the grounds of the mansion.

And he couldn\'t help but ponder why only twenty guards were marching around the mansion.

[What\'s wrong?] The parasite asked, noticing Kevin\'s sudden silence as he scanned the mansion\'s surroundings.

Kevin and the parasite had been conversing since he left his hotel room and when he began driving to the Stark mansion, so his sudden silence came as a surprise to the parasite.

\'It\'s just weird,\' He replied.

[What is?]

\'At first, I thought there might be more men in the mansion that I might have missed when I came here yesterday.\'

\'But, I\'m seeing the exact same people I saw yesterday.\'

[And you\'re worried about the small number of guards in the mansion?]



\'Of course not.\'

[Then why are you worried?]

[Because of Amy?]

Kevin nodded. \'Yes, Brian Stark knows he\'s got members of other gangs trying to get to him through the only thing he holds dear. Why then, would he choose just twenty men to safeguard someone so important to him?\'

[Maybe it\'s because these twenty men aren\'t mere humans?]

\'My thoughts exactly.\'

\'He might actually be relaxed a little, knowing that twenty awakened individuals are protecting his \'daughter\' from harm.\'

[Hmm, makes sense. But doesn\'t this mean, he might actually have more awakened under his control?]

\'I\'m certain he does.\'

\'And this just means, that he\'s going to be the strongest foe I\'ve faced so far.\'

With a grin on his face, Kevin parked his vehicle and stepped out of the car, sauntering towards the main entrance before being thoroughly checked once again.

"You may enter," The guard stated before opening the door slowly.

Kevin nodded and stepped in, his eyes falling upon the maid who gave Sasha her purse yesterday.

With a smile on her face, she curtsied towards Kevin. "Good morning, tutor."

"Good morning," Kevin replied with a smile as well.

[It seems, little Amy can\'t wait to see you again.]

\'I agree,\' He replied internally.

[Well, you did leave her in a state where she would have no choice but to dream about you.]

\'Hehe..... I can\'t help it. I\'m too irresistible.\'

[Umu, as expected of my disciple.]

Kevin rolled his eyes with a smile before turning towards the maid while maintaining that same smile.

"Please, follow me," The maid urged, leading the way to Amy\'s room while Kevin walked up the stairs, trailing behind her as they approached Amy\'s room.

He glanced at his wristwatch and was glad to see he still had five minutes left before the class began.

Since he took a shower in Sasha\'s apartment and then returned home to grab a new pair of clothes before eating and driving all the way to the Stark mansion, Kevin was pleased with how he was able to diligently utilize his time.

With a smile on his face, he began to imagine how happy Amy would be to know he actually kept his word to come on time for her lessons.

The maid walked forward and knocked on the door twice before announcing. "Miss Amy, your tutor is....."

But before the maid could complete her sentence, Amy flung the door open while breathing heavily. She then glanced towards the maid before shifting her gaze to make sure that it was really Kevin.

\'He\'s here?!!\'

\'Yes!!\' She squealed internally in joy.

\'He\'s alone?\'

\'Lucky me!!!!\'

A smirk appeared on Amy\'s face as she cast her head down, not wanting to make eye contact with the maid before saying. "Thank you, Mary, I would like to be alone with the tutor now."

The maid smiled, noticing Amy\'s grin from the side of her face which she couldn\'t completely conceal.

The maid simply bowed before leaving the tutor and his student alone.

While walking, the maid couldn\'t suppress her smile. She was so proud of Amy for finally showing more dedication to learning after her father had tried everything in his power and had been on the brink of giving up, thinking there was really nothing he could do to help her.

She gently tapped her cheeks to control her overwhelming joy.

"Get it together Mary, I have to get them something to eat and drink while they work diligently in her room."

She stared up at the ceiling with tears welling up at the corners of her eyes as she muttered a silent prayer. "Thank you for bringing a wonderful tutor like him into Miss Amy\'s life."

Well, no one could blame the maid for thinking such a thing.

One could only wonder what her choice of words would have been if she knew the unspeakable things that were about to occur in Amy\'s room.

Meanwhile, in front of Amy\'s room, Amy suddenly lifted her head towards Kevin, knowing full well that Mary wasn\'t around the hallway anymore.

Kevin could see her flushed cheeks and she looked as though she had been trying to please herself ever since he left her unsatisfied yesterday while hoping she could recreate the sensation she\'d felt when Kevin fingered her.

But with her ragged breathing, Kevin was certain that she had been unable to come even close to half the sensation she experienced yesterday.

"Come in," Amy hurriedly grabbed Kevin\'s hand and pulled him into her room.

Although Kevin was currently the strongest human in the world, meaning a single fist of his could crush a man\'s skull, he allowed Amy to pull him as though he was weak and could barely hurt a fly.

Amy instantly closed the door behind them and turned towards Kevin. She grabbed his massive hands and placed it between her thighs, and on her twitching snatch after swiftly lowering her bum shot a bit.

With a desperate need to satisfy her craving snatch, she implored Kevin to insert his hand into her snatch once again. "Please tutor, can we continue from where we left off yesterday?"


A/N:- Thank you so much for giving MY EVIL STEPSON SYSTEM a try. Your power stones, gifts, and golden tickets are hugely appreciated and are what motivate me to keep going.

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