
Chapter 549 The Trap-2

Chapter 549 The Trap-2

" We have a condition, the master\'s right for all our albums." Kim didn\'t beat around the bush for it.

" Are you crazy? Why would I ever do that? That\'s literally the few cents that my company will get for sponsoring you guys for years!" Jung sounded visibly angry. What did they take him for demanding such unreasonable conditions?

" You have to look at it objectively, with news of their eventual disbandment would hit the public what will they remember them for? Old merchandise? Souvenirs? Doesn\'t the company already recoup their so called losses?"

" But-" Kim cut him off rudely to pitch his idea betterly but most importantly he decided to concede a little.

" Company can have the rights for their latest album. Isn\'t that popular lately? Even after the news it will be the best selling thing that you can get out of it. Now that we are talking frankly, this is a business deal. We may be enemies but if you give us nothing, we can take the companies reputation down along with us!"

Others also looked at Jung with determined eyes, that\'s when he understood how much they had backed themselves in the corner. It was strange why they were going so far and willing to lose their future for someone like Kim.

Even though he knew how much he supported them during their training days giving away everything didn\'t seem justified. For him the only thing that mattered was his gain, he couldn\'t possibly understand when someone wholeheartedly support another person without any ulterior motives.

" It\'s not other songs wouldn\'t peaked during these times, why should I consciously let go of those profits. You are not talking about keeping rights to one of them, you want the entire catalogue just giving me breadcrumbs!" Jung was not going to agree to a losing deal.

" Everyone knows our latest album did best on the charts. Why else would you send us to oversea tour?" Mi Sun added.

" Beside our music video is going viral, it ten best performing since the company\'s\' inception. You have to factor in our deal too."

Everyone piled on giving more excuses for Jung to think about it more clearly. Honestly he didn\'t lose much, he knew what they were telling was fair argument it\'s just that he didn\'t want to give them any room knowing they were leaving the company.

Whatever privilege they had was already gone in his eyes, now he was dealing with them just like any other business venture.

" Fine, since you are not saying anything. I am willing to give you one more incentive." Kim said, he was about to use his trump card and it was one thing he knew would surely work because that was Jung\'s bottom line!

" You can go ahead and add our conditions to the contract or I can take it to the real boss of the company. I am sure he wouldn\'t like us running around tarnishing the company\'s name."

" You-"

" Think about the next words that comes out of your mouth. I am been in the company for almost a decade now, don\'t believe I don\'t know things that can tank the market shares tomorrow. You and I both know what I am talking about right?" Kim was smiling like a madman that was about to gamble his life saving, he was all in it was Jung\'s time to make a move.

Jung sat down to his comfortable chair with ugly expression, he still remember all the times his father warned him not to do anything that would affect the companies name. It was the sole reason why he didn\'t want to deal with Kim openly.

There was also his annoying little brother that always acted like know-it-all. Even talking with him hurt his brain because of how calm and collected he always was, especially his busted moral compass that he always waved around in his face! He was the older brother for god\'s sake! Everything here should belong to him!

" I know what you are thinking, everyone knows how much your father favours your younger brother. If you mess up one more time which you did plenty in the past think about how it will go with your father. I am only talking to you out of times we spend working together. It\'s best for both of us, if you simply agree to our meager conditions."

Jung thought about it and felt humiliated by being threatened by someone like Kim, the ant that he almost squashed dared to bite back? He would get him in the future but for now he need to keep everything underwraps and show proper result to the board of directors.

" Fine." Jung motioned the lawyers to draft up another version of contract. Within few minutes they came back with the revised contract and Kim looked through it with prying eyes. It was one of the things that Samuel warned him about which was why he brought in an independent lawyer who was secretly working for Samuel\'s company.

Seeing there were no hidden clause and a clean cut from the company, both parties signed the contract. After which they seperated without saying much, there was nothing else to talk about. Next time when Kim comes to this office, he would be in the same position as Jung.

There was nothing sad about leaving a rotten company that exploited their idols for profits. Now they only had one thing to look up to, their smashing return to big stage!




It was almost time to get off, when Jung received a call from his brother. He saw his caller ID and didn\'t even want to entertain the thought of speaking with him so he simply put his phone in silent mode.

Him being the General Manager of the Agency meant that they had to interact often due to them being head of department. His brother was the head Marketing department, it was weird to have someone in their late twenties heading their own department but he was that good.

Due to close relation of their department, he would often get these type of call even late at night with his brother pestering him about benign things. With today\'s good day turning sour with Kim\'s repeated threats, Jung didn\'t want to converse with his annoying brother.

But after few second of call being disconnected, his phone rang again, it his brother again. He barely even put his phone down.

" Did something happen?" He thought but dismissed the idea.

Today was start of weekend which meant clubbing and picking up girls! It was his favorite day of the week, he didn\'t want to be tied down to work and decided to head to meet his friends. As soon as he reached the parking lot and pulled out his phone, he saw ten missed calls from his brother.

They didn\'t get along much so him calling, meant something was definitely up. He decided to dial his number just in case and the first thing he heard was him yelling.

" Jung! What have you done!?"

" What?"

" LVHM just pulled out of renewing their contract!"

" How is that my problem? Are you the one that handles that side of the business?" Jung secretly celebrated inside. He knew LVHM accounted for almost five percent of their yearly revenue. It might not seem much but with company\'s profits stagnating around five to ten percent year over year, it was a big deal.

" Not your problem!? It was going good throughout the week but with because of your stupid stubbornness you costed my department a huge amount of revenue! And don\'t forget about your contracted idols! They are pulling out of those deal too!"

" Are you serious!?" He didn\'t expect them to make such drastic move. It was understandable if they were cutting down on advertisement money but yearly contracts were a massive source of income for his bands.

If this got out, other companies might began to wonder why a industry leader cut contact with their corporation. It might not matter much for local companies but foreign ones liked to partner with already vetted companies whenever they decided to invest abroad.

" Yes, they didn\'t even give us a reason but their spokesperson did mention that the order came from the top, much higher than his paygrade."

" How high?"

" Vice president or president of the company. It means that the owner of the entire LVHM brand has a problem with us! Do you even know what that would mean for our company?"

" It\'s not the time to dwell on these things, have you talked to our contact at the company? They must have heard something about such a drastic decision."

" Already did, that\'s why I am calling you. It something to do with your recent scuffle with that manager. She didn\'t know the story behind it but she did tell he had a powerful connection in LVHM. It\'s not too late to retain him, I have looked into the problem it not his fault-"

" Don\'t fucking tell me how to do my job! I will do something about it but remember not to mention anything to our father for time being. You know how he take bad news right?"

" I don\'t care. If it was your fault you have to answer him not me." He simply hung up the phone.

Jung was furious, if it was true that Kim pulled magical strings to cost his company such tremendous amount of money, he would burn everything that he hold dear to the ground!

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