
Chapter 527 Prophecy

After Dilan spent another day preparing stuff and bidding farewell to everyone, it was time for him to leave.

A Golden portal opened in front of him when he accepted the Divine Advancement mission. Dilan stepped through it while waving to his sisters and friends, who looked at him teary-eyed as if he would be gone forever.

"Don\'t look at me like that. Just ensure that you guys will survive, no matter what happens!" Dilan could merely shout out loud before his voice dispersed in the golden portal just like his body.

The others kept looking at the golden portal that dispersed slowly as well before heavy sighs followed suit.

"He won\'t be back before the Fourth Awakening happens, right?" Lara asked with a wry smile on her face. She was trying to calm her heart and rubbed her big belly in a circular motion.

"Definitely not…to be honest, I feel like we won\'t see him for quite a while…" Marie muttered as she forced herself to smile. However, that smile crumbled quickly and was replaced by a gloomy expression.

"If there can only be one Divine occupation in every generation of the Primordial Ascension, and the fourth advancement mission gives him the opportunity to \'prepare\' for something, shouldn\'t this mean that Dilan is getting prepared for something big, something of far more important than the Fourth Awakening…and possibly even our lives?" She couldn\'t help but ask, feeling as if Dilan was slowly getting taken away from her again.

That thought caused her to feel frustrated and sad, but there was nothing Marie could do about it. She had barely advanced to the first Tier after receiving lots of help from the Undying Group.

Her strength was laughable and she would die the moment the weakest monster were to surprise attack her.

"To Dilan, nothing is more important than our lives…so even if this Divine mission <<Path of Preparations>>, or whatever it is called is important, we will have to survive until he returns…otherwise, he might actually come down to hell to pick our souls up…" Lara said, trying to sound nonchalant and to joke at the end.

However, nobody even thought about laughing. The others stared at Lara with squinted eyes, causing her to feel uncomfortable.

"I\'m pregnant, leave me alone…" She quickly came up with an excuse and everyone else nodded their heads in understanding.

"Either way…we will have to survive this shit, with or without Dilan. Let\'s not make him worry needlessly, and make sure that he will be proud of us!" Kathrine exclaimed loudly enough to attempt to cover her sadness. Dilan left and it was uncertain when he would come back.

Thus, for the first time in forever, it was on the Undying Group to make sure that Dilan\'s hard work wouldn\'t be for naught. He always gave his best to make sure that everyone would work on themselves, that they would become independent and that they wouldn\'t rely on him.

And until he would return to his people, they would have to make use of everything Dilan had granted them, whether it was for mere survival reasons, or to fight back against the powerful beings that were bound to emerge on Milarn in the near future.

"Let\'s go, we have many things to do!" Williams announced, his voice echoing through the entire room, a room filled with countless pairs of eyes that were filled with determination and the ambition to survive!


Dilan tried to open his eyes, just to realize that it was impossible.

His eyelids were too heavy for him to open them.

In fact, his entire body felt way too heavy and sore, almost as if an entire mountain was weighing him down. The weight forced Dilan to the ground, where he began to breathe heavily.

His lungs were having trouble working properly and it felt like his entire body was spinning.

"Sigh…just what is this person? Is he really the Undying I\'m looking for?" Dilan heard the amused voice of a mature woman, and he could understand her language even though he had never heard it before.

His body, which had been writhing and twitching in pain, stopped almost instinctively and it was not long after that he felt a cold touch in the center of his temples.

The heavy weight that was crushing his bones was removed all of a sudden and he could finally breathe freely again. He took in lungfuls of air before slowly opening his eyes, and found a system notification right in front of him.

[The System will be turned off until the Divine Mission <<Path of Preparations>> has been completed.

Remark – Don\'t rely too much on me, or you will cease to exist, just like I will!]

"That\'s weird…" He could only mumble before he recalled the woman, who had spoken to him earlier.

The System notification dispersed and it was only now that Dilan realized where he had been brought to.

\'A white room?\'

There was no furniture in the white room, no window and not even a door. However, Dilan didn\'t focus on the white room but more on the gorgeous woman, who stood in front of him.

She had long and silky silver hair that cascaded down her slender back, long silver eyelashes highlighted her large violet eyes and the way she smiled at Dilan was powerful enough to make most men question their sanity.

"Who are you?" Dilan asked the goddess-like woman while slowly getting up from the ground.

"They usually call me Oracle. Just do the same," The Oracle replied, and Dilan nodded his head faintly.

"Who are \'they\'?" He added another question, but the Oracle waved off his concern.

"That is of no concern to you. Shouldn\'t you be more focused on the mission you\'ve been awarded?" She pointed out the obvious, or what she thought must be obvious to him as well.

Dilan frowned but he didn\'t complain. He tried to sense the mana around him but quickly noticed that it was not possible. In fact, he felt as if he was thrown back in time when he was a perfectly ordinary human being, just like everyone else.

There were no Origin abilities, no mana, no monsters, nothing.

"Was my power sealed because of the Divine Mission?" Dilan finally asked, and the Oracle nodded her head.

"You could say so. The place I\'ve brought you to is different from the rest of the Universe, and I had to cleanse your Soul and Body temporarily. Time runs differently in the places you will have to go for the sake of preparation. All of this is for you to have more than enough time to focus on the mission, without dying of old age, or because the Universe was devoured!" The Oracle revealed, giving Dilan the chills.

"You don\'t literally mean the Universe getting devoured…do you?" Dilan enquired, just to make sure that he had not misunderstood the Oracle.

However, the beautiful Goddess shook her head and a wry smile formed on her face.

"You understood me correctly. The Universe will be devoured, if nobody does anything to prevent it, that is!"

"Then…do something about it?!" Dilan nearly shouted out loud, just to quiet down as the Oracle moved her finger, releasing force with the use of mana.

"If we had been able to prevent the end of the Universe on our own, we would have done that already. Unfortunately, only the Undying and the Eternal Darkness seem to be favored by the Origin.

You two are the existences that have been summoned by the prophecy, and you will have to help out a little bit!"

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