
Chapter 278: Whose Father, Whose Daughter (2)

“But don’t worry, Lin Xian,” Chu An Qing said with a bright smile, patting her chest confidently. “If I could really travel through time, you’d be the first to know! I promise, I’d find the younger you and give you all the winning lottery numbers! You’d be richer than my dad!”

“Well, thanks in advance,” Lin Xian responded with a grin, holding open the electric door of the sleek business car and gesturing for her to step inside. “And remind me to invest in Bitcoin.”

“Oh, that’s not possible!” Chu An Qing quickly dismissed the idea, her expression turning serious. “That’s illegal!”


After the ride, Lin Xian’s chauffeur dropped Chu An Qing off at Donghai University. She waved cheerfully as she stepped out of the car. “Bye, Lin Xian. Drive safely!”

“Yeah, you get some rest,” Lin Xian called out, rolling up the window as he prepared to drive away.

Watching the car disappear around the corner of her dorm, Chu An Qing reflected on Lin Xian’s recent advice about attending Professor Zhang Yang’s general education class. She had already taken it last semester and would have to wait to enroll again. But she considered sneaking into the lecture hall just to listen. After all, with hundreds of students in attendance, who would notice one more?

She stretched, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Living life, she realized, meant chasing what you love. Not every moment had to be grand, and not every ending profound. What mattered most was finding happiness and living without regrets.

Humming to herself, she walked toward her dormitory, only to stop short in surprise.

A tall, elegant woman in sunglasses stood in front of the dormitory, exuding a blend of grace and authority. Dressed in a chic trench coat and adorned with shimmering blue earrings, she commanded attention.

“Yellow Finch?” Chu An Qing hurried over, puzzled and slightly anxious.

“Yellow Finch, what brings you here?” Chu An Qing inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Removing her sunglasses, Yellow Finch revealed her piercing blue eyes, giving her a look that was almost too intense. “An Qing, do you have a moment?” she asked softly, her tone serious. “There’s something important I need to discuss with you.”


Seated in a quiet corner of the school cafeteria’s third-floor café, the two women faced each other, cold drinks untouched between them. Chu An Qing listened in disbelief to Yellow Finch’s revelations.

“Is… is all of this really true… Yellow Finch? I… I can hardly believe it,” she stammered, her hands instinctively touching her cold cheeks.

If Lin Xian’s musings on time travel were somewhat plausible, what Yellow Finch described sounded like it was ripped from the pages of a science fiction novel.

“I… I don’t understand, and I…”

“It’s okay, An Qing,” Yellow Finch soothed. “I don’t expect you to make any decisions right now. This is a lot to take in. Take your time to think about it. But remember, don’t tell anyone about our conversation—not your parents, not Lin Xian, nobody. This decision must be yours alone.”

Chu An Qing felt vulnerable. “Not even Lin Xian? I was thinking about discussing it with him… Can I really not tell him?”

Yellow Finch shook her head gravely. “Trust me, An Qing. It’s for Lin Xian’s own good to keep him out of this. Due to the elasticity effect, the crucial information I’ve shared is mostly incorrect or even completely the opposite. Sharing this with Lin Xian would only mislead him. If he acts on this false information, he’ll surely make mistakes and miss out on a critical opportunity.”

“When the situation changes, I’ll update you with the facts. But for now, although what I’ve told you might seem incorrect, the events are very real. It’s like the value of Pi—even if I incorrectly say it’s 5.14, it doesn’t negate the actual existence of Pi.”

Overwhelmed by the bizarre nature of the conversation, Chu An Qing fell silent.

After a lengthy pause, she finally spoke, her voice steady but filled with confusion. “The ‘Alpha Substance’ you mentioned… the one that’s only found in outer space, is it truly that vital to Lin Xian?”

“Yes, it’s extremely crucial,” Yellow Finch confirmed softly, leaning forward to look Chu An Qing in the eyes. “Missing this element could cause everything to unravel. By the time we realize its importance, it might be too late.”


Yellow Finch stood, her movements smooth and deliberate. “This is my phone number,” she said, placing a piece of paper on the table.

She picked up her coat. “It’s only September 2023, not even October yet. You have plenty of time to think and decide. When you’re ready, call me, and I’ll tell you everything I can.”

With a graceful gesture, she donned her stylish trench coat and slipped on her sunglasses.

“Lastly, remember, An Qing, no matter what choice you make, it will be the right one. Because… I can’t predict the right answer. I’m just trying to do what I believe is right,” she added, her voice tinged with a hint of regret.

“Unfortunately…” she paused, a smile playing on her lips. “I actually know more about you, but due to the elasticity effect, I can’t tell you now. Otherwise, your decision would be easier.”

“Goodbye, see you later.”

With that, Yellow Finch turned and walked away, her high heels clicking on the floor, each step echoing in the now quiet café.

Chu An Qing watched her disappear around the corner, her mind racing with the weight of the conversation.

She looked down at the small piece of paper on the table. A phone number was scribbled on it. She reached out, gripped it, and put it in her pocket.


“Today, we’ve covered the basics of Einstein’s theory of relativity,” announced Professor Zhang Yang in a packed lecture hall. Chu An Qing, sitting in the last row, diligently took notes from the blackboard. Beside her, a recorder captured every word.

She adjusted her glasses.

Although her vision was nearly perfect, she wore glasses to ensure she didn’t miss any details on the distant blackboard. “Your vision is perfect! 1.0 is more than enough; you don’t need glasses,” the school optician had told her. “Any stronger, and it’s like a telescope.”

“Exactly!” Chu An Qing had agreed enthusiastically. “That’s what I need!”

“But this will strain your eyes… it might worsen your vision.”

“It’s okay! I’ll only wear them during class.”

After much persistence, she had acquired her “telescope glasses” and now sat, almost incognito, in Professor Zhang Yang’s general education class. She hadn’t officially enrolled this semester, and technically, she shouldn’t be there. But with such a large class, attendance was hardly a concern, and the teacher wouldn’t notice one extra student.

As Lin Xian had mentioned, Professor Zhang Yang’s classes were both enlightening and popular, filled to the brim. Once, unable to find a seat, Chu An Qing had stood at the back for the entire lecture. That day, Professor Zhang had delved into the grandfather paradox and Stephen Hawking’s time traveler experiment, challenging the concept of time travel.

He had also discussed the famous Einstein-Bohr debate—referred to as the Copenhagen debate—where some of the world’s brightest minds had sparred over quantum mechanics, with no definitive winner.

“Wow…” Chu An Qing thought, her brain overwhelmed. “Is this even understandable by humans? Can anyone really learn this?”

That lecture had instilled doubts about her ability to grasp such complex topics. But her motivation wasn’t solely academic curiosity or Lin Xian’s influence; it was also driven by her conversation with Yellow Finch.

The details Yellow Finch had shared were baffling, almost too much to comprehend, let alone decide upon. It wasn’t just about potentially traveling to space; there was a depth and complexity to the information that was entirely new to her.

“I want to understand! I need to grasp everything!” she resolved.


“It’s too hard!” Chu An Qing moaned a frown. It was already 2 a.m., and she was still up in her dorm room, surrounded by notes and textbooks, the curtain around her bed closed, a small lamp her only light.

She struggled even with the basics.

Back in the lecture hall, Professor Zhang Yang was concluding the semester. “Today is our last class,” he announced, his voice filled with a mix of pride and amusement as he surveyed the packed room. “Every semester, I’m gratified to see so many of you drawn to these complex, obscure, and unverifiable hypotheses. Curiosity is the first step toward understanding the stars and the vast universe.”

“I hope you all continue to pursue science, the unknown, and specialized fields of study. There’s always work to be done, and who knows? It could be you, it could be me; it could be anyone who makes the next great discovery. After all, you can’t know for sure. Anyone here could be the next Einstein or Newton. Why?”

“Because,” he continued, his voice rising with enthusiasm, “there are always things worth doing, needing to be done, that must be done! Don’t ever see yourselves as ordinary or insignificant. Consider this: each atom in your body originates from a star that exploded billions of years ago. The atoms in your left hand and your right hand might even come from different galaxies. You are made of material as ancient as Earth, with some of it as old as the universe itself.”

“Because these atoms from every corner of the universe have come together to form you… how can you be ordinary? My students… each of you is a miracle of the universe.”

Professor Zhang Yang concluded, closing his thermos with a laugh that filled the lecture hall. “So, your curiosity about the universe is the best response! As always, there will be no exams for this general education course. All enrolled students receive full marks!”

“Wow!” Cheers erupted in the hall.

Amid the jubilation, Chu An Qing muttered to herself, now understanding why this course was so fiercely competitive. The real reason everyone wanted in?

No final exams. Everyone gets full marks—an easy pass.


And so, the first half of her sophomore year drew to a close.

Amid the hectic period of reviews and exams, Chu An Qing missed her father’s “Scientific Charity Gala,” losing another opportunity to see Lin Xian.

“The atoms in your left hand and right hand might come from different galaxies…”

Chu An Qing gazed at her left hand, then at her right, and slowly brought them together, clasping them tightly.

“Such a romantic thought…”

She closed her eyes, reveling in the romance of a cosmic encounter. Opening the drawer of her study desk in her dormitory, she took out the small piece of paper Yellow Finch had left.

Since their meeting in the café, she hadn’t reached out to Yellow Finch, even though the thought consumed her day and night. But she had never mustered the courage to dial the number.

But now…

She had made up her mind.

“I am a star,” she repeated Professor Zhang Yang’s words, looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes firm. “I am the universe!”


“Absolutely not!” In the luxurious manor, Chu Shan He roared in anger. “Don’t even think about it!”

“Why!!” Chu An Qing’s voice matched her father’s in volume. “I thought you’d agree without hesitation! You’ve always supported scientific endeavors and respected space heroes! Why won’t you let me go!!”

Chu An Qing never expected that after making up her mind, she would be blocked by her own father!

This was completely unexpected!

She had thought he would be the most supportive of her undertaking such a mission—joining a national secret project, going to space, performing a secret mission. Wasn’t this an honorable thing?

“Why won’t you let me go!” Chu An Qing shouted at the top of her lungs. “I’m doing a good thing! It’s not like I’m going on a vacation!”

“You’d be better off going on a vacation!” Chu Shan He crossed his arms, frowning at the official-looking documents on the coffee table.

Signed by X Country’s Space Agency.

Stamped by multiple departments.

It couldn’t be fake.

But it was utterly absurd!

Absurd to the extreme!

Letting a 19-year-old girl with no specific training or talent go to space—complete nonsense!

“You’re not going, period!” Chu Shan He waved his hand, indicating there was no room for discussion.

At this moment, Su Xiu Ying, Chu An Qing’s mother, also stepped forward, rubbing the almost-crying Chu An Qing’s cheeks.

“You silly girl… what are you thinking? Going to space for a mission… I thought you were joking! How could it be your turn to go? Why would it be you?”

“Even if it could be you, what could you do there? How could you help? You’d just cause trouble for the country. Why doesn’t your father let you go? Because he’s worried about your safety, worried you might get hurt, face danger… why can’t you understand?”

Chu Shan He turned around, looking at his stubborn, tearful daughter. “Do you know how dangerous this is? I may not know how you convinced the space agency to give you this absurd document, but I can’t just watch my daughter participate in such a dangerous plan! I refuse to believe that this space mission can’t happen without you! Is the entire X Country out of people?”

“If X Country is really out of people, I’ll go! Your mom will go! But we won’t let you go! Do you think this is like taking a plane? A ship? This is space! If something happens, there’s no chance of survival!”

He took a deep breath, glaring at Chu An Qing.

“Do you think I didn’t know about you sneaking off to America to cheer for Lin Xian at the hacker competition?”

Chu An Qing choked, wide-eyed at her father.


“I knew as soon as you got back!” Chu Shan He pointed at her fiercely.

Su Xiu Ying patted her head.

“Your father couldn’t sleep for days, worrying… blaming himself for not keeping an eye on you. Even though you were already back from America, he couldn’t stop worrying and didn’t sleep for days.”

“Don’t tell her these things,” Chu Shan He interrupted Su Xiu Ying, still glaring at Chu An Qing, his brows furrowed.

“Why didn’t I confront you? Why didn’t I scold you?”

“Your mother and I thought, our child has grown up, now 19, with her own thoughts and ideas. So, we pretended not to know, didn’t mention it, respected your choices.”

“But now you’re going too far! Too far! I won’t indulge you any longer! This document requires my signature. You can forget about it. I will tell the space agency’s leaders to let anyone else go, but not you!”

Tears blurred Chu An Qing’s vision, and she burst into tears.

“Why! Why can’t I go…”

“You say space is dangerous, but isn’t defending the borders dangerous? Isn’t being a soldier dangerous? Wasn’t the front line in wartime dangerous? Those test pilots, police officers, bomb disposal workers, aren’t they in danger? Among them, there are kids my age! There are girls like me!”

“Why can’t I go… why can others go but not me? Give me a reason!”

“Because you’re Chu Shan He’s daughter!!” Chu Shan He’s veins bulged with anger.

“Do you understand? Because you’re my daughter! That’s why you can’t go! It’s that simple!”

Chu An Qing sobbed, almost out of breath.

But she clenched her fists, stood straight, and tearfully staring at her father…

“Dad…” Her voice trembled with tears. “Which girl isn’t someone’s daughter? Which girl… doesn’t have a dad? No one comes from a rock… Even if their dad isn’t Chu Shan He, each girl is a precious daughter in her father’s eyes.”

“Now we live in peaceful times… we don’t need to do those dangerous things. But if something truly needs you, me, everyone… if everyone refuses, doesn’t stand up courageously… what will happen to our country? Our lives?”

“Just because I’m Chu Shan He’s daughter, I should hide behind others, watching other daughters fight… risking their lives… while I just watch! Watch my whole life!!”

“I won’t!!!!” Chu An Qing shouted loudly!

She wiped her tears with one arm, she clenched her teeth and glared at the stern father, “If others’ daughters can do it. Then Chu Shan He’s daughter… can too!”

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