
Chapter 425: The Last of the Queen’s Guard

The source of this new threat was a grotesque half-human, half-serpent creature that had emerged from a nearby drainage opening. Its upper body was a deformed version of a human, while the lower part resembled a massive, wriggling mass of terrifying flesh. Holding a gun made of bones and tissue, it fired, with the shots creating a deadly display of sparks.

Everything around Lawrence seemed to slow down, allowing his senses to heighten and visualize the trajectories of the incoming bullets. With inhuman dexterity, he maneuvered his body in extraordinary ways as if dancing gracefully amidst the rain of bullets.

He counted three dodges and six hits.

The sharp sting of the bullets stirred Lawrence’s resolve even further, leading him to fire two shots from his revolver in retaliation against the repulsive creature.

Quickly looking down, Lawrence noted the fresh gunshot wounds on his chest. In normal situations, these would have been fatal. However, under the luminous light of his supernatural aura, his ethereal body was healing at an incredible speed.

But even with his rapid healing, the pain and tiredness were taking their toll on Lawrence. The bright flame of his mystical power seemed to falter and diminish, suggesting that it might not be as infinite as once believed.

The rest of Lawrence’s naval team was also deeply engaged in combat. Radiating with their ghostly luminescence, they harnessed their newfound undying state, fighting with fierce tenacity. Using an assortment of weapons, they resisted the continuous waves of enemies while making their way further into the passage.

However, their ghostly form came with its challenges, especially in harnessing the spirit flames. There was a real danger of them draining their newfound vitality, and this group of accidental immortals needed to be careful. The once-quiet sewer corridor had now turned into a battlefield filled with pandemonium.

While the team boasted impressive healing abilities, the endless tide of nightmarish creatures drastically slowed their progress. Overcoming this barrier seemed as elusive as trying to catch a mirage.

However, among them stood out Anomaly 077, a mummified warrior. At first glance, one might underestimate him due to his dried-up, ancient appearance. But armed with twin scimitars, he displayed speed and finesse that starkly contrasted his decayed exterior. He moved with the grace and fury of a tornado through the ensuing chaos. Were it not for Lawrence’s heightened senses, the warrior’s rapid maneuvers would have been almost impossible to track.

But with Lawrence’s vision now transcending normal human sight, the frantic pace of Anomaly 077 appeared less extraordinary. Lawrence watched as the mummified figure artfully dodged adversaries, weaving a relatively safer path through the chaos. His blades spun effortlessly, and even after a relentless half-hour in combat, they retained their lustrous shine without a single scratch.

The warrior, known among them as “Sailor”, became a beacon in the bleak tunnel. His blades glinted as they cut through the suffocating darkness, and his thundering voice dominated the battleground.

“I am the storm that shreds the shadows with my blades!” The Sailor’s voice, as cold and haunting as an ancient tomb, echoed throughout the corridor. With each strike, his words rang out, “These nightmarish foes are no match for me!”

But in the midst of this frenzy, Lawrence wasn’t about to tolerate distractions. As the Sailor tried to breeze past him, Lawrence’s ghostly hand shot out, seizing the mummy’s throat. With strength that his ethereal form augmented, he yanked Sailor close, his voice a gruff warning, amplified by the eerie hum of the phantom flames, “Contribute effectively or stay silent!”

Face-to-face with Lawrence’s intense gaze, Anomaly 077 stammered in submission, “Un… understood, Captain!”

Without further ado, Lawrence flung the mummy forward into the swarm of sewer-spawned horrors. Almost instantly, another crew member, a sailor armed with a rifle, dashed over, exclaiming, “Captain! Our bullets are nearly gone!”

Lawrence quickly assessed the situation. Most of his crew had forsaken their guns, now using close-combat weapons to fend off the monstrous horde. Their indomitable spirit was their primary weapon, but they were effectively pinned in the corridor and trapped in a monstrous deadlock.

Every avenue of advancement seemed blocked, and retreat wasn’t even on the table.

The corridor was alive with the cacophony of battle, a harrowing symphony of rending flesh and shattering bone. Malignant sludge seeped from the moisture-laden walls and dripping ceiling, acting as a birthing pool for ceaseless waves of grotesque creatures. Lawrence’s spectral crew, pushed to their limits and on the verge of being overrun, found themselves in a dire situation with dwindling ammunition. The once radiant, ghostly flames surrounding Lawrence now faltered and waned. Overpowering weariness gnawed at his strength and muddled his thoughts.

Lawrence’s perceptions became increasingly skewed amid the torturous confines of this hellish sewer. A treacherous fog of confusion descended upon him, causing his grasp on reality to slacken. Memories of his identity, whereabouts, and even his mission grew hazy. The incessant ambush from the monstrosities, the looming dread of midnight… how long before everything would come to a head?

But as despair threatened to subsume him, the voice of a trusted companion echoed from a small mirror affixed to his attire: “They are coming.”

These words acted as a lifeline, snapping Lawrence back to the grim reality. In a fluid motion, he brandished his dagger, impaling an oncoming beast. He quickly retreated to dodge a spray of corrosive goo, before instinctively looking upwards.

The corridor’s very foundation trembled from the weight of countless approaching footsteps, layered over the muffled din of distant commands and rallying cries. The noise intensified, heralding a formidable force barreling towards the frenzied melee where Lawrence and his crew were engrossed.

Suddenly, ghostly figures started to materialize, appearing as though emerging from a temporal fissure. These apparitions coalesced into an imposing army of spectral soldiers. Armed with vintage rifles, their bayonets shimmered eerily in the weak light. Seemingly spawning in mid-rush, they burst from the abyss, charging unstoppably towards their next shadowy objective. Their seamless movement suggested an ageless struggle, now manifesting before the living.

The spectral sailors, already deep in their tumultuous battle, were momentarily struck dumb by this unforeseen intervention. They gawked in disbelief as the phantom battalion lunged headlong into combat, their guns unleashing havoc upon the monstrous horde and their battle roars echoing menacingly. After a few dumbstruck moments, one sailor managed to stammer out, “The last remnants of the Queen’s Guard…”

Lawrence, equally stunned, instinctively approached a youthful soldier who was hurriedly reloading. The young man’s attire, reminiscent of an ancient city-state long lost to time, was tattered and frayed, hinting at prolonged battles within these sewers.

Attempting to establish a connection, Lawrence said, “Hello, we’re here to help…” He reached out, meaning to offer a comforting pat on the soldier’s shoulder, only to be left bewildered as his hand phased right through the ethereal figure.

In the midst of the chaotic battleground, doubt crept into Lawrence’s mind. “Could all this mayhem be a mere illusion?”

Disconcerted, he lifted his gaze and was met with the haunting sight of ghostly soldiers fiercely clashing with the grotesque horde. Their guns boomed relentlessly, downing one revolting creature after another that emerged from the tainted mire.

Suddenly, a particularly robust soldier, bearing the brunt of the onslaught, lunged forward from the midst of the spectral army. Lawrence, taken off guard, tried to evade the advancing figure, but his reflexes betrayed him. To his astonishment, the towering soldier, seemingly unaware of Lawrence’s very presence, phased right through him as if he were merely a wisp of air. As the soldier proceeded, a stray shot from one of the monsters struck him, causing him to plummet heavily into the muck.

The relentless spectral Queen’s Guard seemed unperturbed by their fallen ally. They trudged on, indifferent, stepping over the ethereal form of their comrade as they doggedly continued their march deeper into the corridor.

A sailor sidled up to Lawrence, his voice a hushed whisper, “They’re ghosts…”

“Yet these ghosts can battle the creatures. They even have the power to annihilate them…” Lawrence mused, trying to wrap his head around the bewildering phenomenon before him.

Another sailor chimed in, “The monstrous tide seems to be receding.”

That revelation jolted Lawrence from his reverie.

For the first time since their arrival, the previously relentless torrent of abominations seemed to wane. With the sudden appearance of the spectral Queen’s Guard, the walls and ceiling’s putrid ooze, which spawned the creatures, seemed to have abruptly halted. The once endless onslaught was now discernibly tapering off!

Could it be that the mere presence of the Queen’s Guard inhibited the regeneration and proliferation of these nightmarish entities?

As a myriad of questions swirled in his mind, Lawrence recognized the pressing need for action.

“Stay on the heels of the Queen’s Guard!” He dramatically pointed forward, his voice echoing with authority, “Take advantage of the path they’re clearing!”

“Aye, Captain!” came the unanimous response.

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