
Chapter 2 - A Lonley Voice And The Wannabe Philosopher

A long time ago.... Inside a dark cave in an unknown place...


" one two three four tutu tutu du.....

one chicken two chicken tutu tutu du...

Hah..... Life is so boring here .....How long has it been, ten years , hundred maybe a thousand...

I wonder if grandpa tree and little yellow still remembers me ..... When will someone come to set me free.

I wonder what happened to that old dork, he never came back .... Maybe he died in an accident.... He should have died painfully for locking me up here... I can\'t even move... I will just continue with my song...

one two three four tutu tutu du..... "


Meanwhile on Earth...

On a beautiful unknown mountain range atop the highest mountain. A young man was sitting on a rock and enjoying the view. 

This young man\'s name was Samuel. He was an ordinary looking young man with brown eyes and black hair, he had kept his beard and mustaches to look more like a mature philosopher or a genius writer, who had no time for trivialities like shaving. 

In actuality he was just a first year graduate student of philosophy who was trying to look like a wise and composed philosopher ...

" Ha... Such a wonderful view... How can the hustle bustle of a city ever compare to this magnificent view... This is heaven... 

I remember, I think it was a Mughal Emperor, who, when saw the beautiful mountains and valleys of Kashmir, said 

" If there is a heaven on earth, it\'s here,... It\'s here..., it\'s here... " …

  If I get a chance I would surely visit Kashmir and Himalayan ranges once.... Hmm.. The clouds are darkening, maybe it will rain, I should get going.. "

The young man stood up and started moving down the hill, as he was descending he was thinking.

" It has been a year since I joined the university, but since I am majoring in Philosophy it will be really hard to find a job ... Did I make a mistake by choosing Philosophy instead of Science? 

All my friends who are majoring in science, say they will receive job offers from different companies in their final year itself and if they pass the assessment they are completely settled.

  With guaranteed jobs there life would be smooth sailing.

While they are living a comfortable and luxurious life. Will I be like the great Socrates, who died on the street while being forced to drink poison as punishment.

While I don\'t think, Socrates considered this as a punishment, but more of a liberation at last. 

The private life of the great philosopher was not much of a success.... 

hmm.. I shouldn\'t feel discouraged, I should believe in myself and the path I chose....

This reminds me of Writer Thomas Hardy\'s words "People go on marrying because they can\'t resist natural forces, although many of them may know perfectly well that they are possibly buying a months\' pleasure with a life\'s discomfort."

I know if I had chosen science, I may have found a good job. But Even when living that luxurious life, my heart will say that this is not the true path or this is not the path I believe in.

After all scientists have always considered what can be experimentally proven to be true and they consider things which can be fathomed only through the five senses and their scientific tools to be real.

This is like putting a limit on man\'s imagination and its vast potential, science has greatly helped in the development of the human race, but I think it has also made humans more materialistic and comfort seekers... 

I can\'t disregard the pioneers of science who propose great theories of science and seek truth... But for some reason I think it is not the true path, a true path is limitless, it is like one\'s imagination that wanders without any restriction. It can create whatever it wants or destroy whatever it wants as the imaginer will\'s.... 

Only unrestricted philosophy can be a true path...

Hah.... Why should I tire myself by focusing on future problems. Who knows what the future might bring, maybe it would be smooth sailing for me too. 

The future reminds me of the upcoming Avenger movie, I think it would be really cool... Thanos is really an ass-kicker.. But he can\'t compare to my favorite super villain, Galactus The Devourer of worlds... He eats planets for breakfast.... "

As he was thinking he heard an ear splitting sound and blinding light


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