
Chapter 121 - Fight Continues 3

By this time the rest of the rebel members had cleared all the innocent and injured rebels from the building, only 5 people who were fighting remained inside.

Dror was getting ready to continue with Lisa\'s plan to pin down the snake and attack its eyes, but before he could move the crimson snake\'s angry yell was heard.

" You have pushed me into this…. Now I will show you why there is a saying in our home planet, that you should not corner a snake gang member ...."

Then she spit out something like a mutated liver, which was squirming around like a living thing.

"Everyone… Escape, that is a poison bag, it will explode and poison will cover an area of more than 30 km radius… we need to get away as far as possible…"

Even without her telling everyone around could feel the dangerous aura emitted by that thing, like death looming above them.

Dror formed a big stone ball with his warrior essence around the poison bag trying to contain it.

"It is useless, the explosion will be too powerful, it cannot be controlled.."

Everyone received Laurel\'s spiritual message and started retreating, no one wanted to test their luck. 

Even Laurel, who was deeply injured, used some special technique to enter a berserk state and ran as fast as possible.

While running she received Dror\'s  spiritual message " what about the ordinary people in the area will they survive…"

Laurel saw that Dror had not retreated yet she paused and sent a message back " I don\'t think anyone under the mid True warrior realm will survive, don\'t get emotional you should retreat now… Our mission could be considered complete even if we don\'t kill her and most of the people inside the city are related to the Alliance government…"

Dror had walked the streets of the cities yesterday and he had seen many ordinary people working in the shops and different departments. They might have been people who had surrendered to the Alliance government, but that was mainly because they were too weak and didn\'t have any other choice. 

In Fact they were also just ordinary people who were working hard to provide for their families livelihood.

The cab driver Yaren that Dror met when he first arrived was a talkative person. She was in the city with a temporary pass like a temporary visa to another nation and when it expires they would either have to return or extend it by paying certain fees to the government.

  She and her husband have been driving cab\'s day and night to pay for their children\'s better care and to send some money back to their small hometown where life was very hard.

There were a lot of people in the central cities who were there for a little better living and were a great help to their families, relatives and friends in their own home towns. 

As for the Alliance government these people were nothing but just servants or another kind of slaves who did all kinds of menial tasks for them, they could hire more even if every one of them dies off.

More than that the area where the brothel was situated was a place where a large number of common people lived.

  Since the brothel was situated in the outer sector of Tarnish, If the poison bag was to explode the most affected would clearly be these commoners, the poison wont reach anywhere near where the rich of the outer sector lived much less the second sector.

Dror understood the mentality of the other rebels and he knew these mentalities were formed largely from the influence of the pro-war faction.

The pro war faction has been on the agenda of all out war for a long time but most of their endeavors had resulted in utter defeats, which led them to target more people who were working along with or for the alliance government and were much weaker targets.

Dror could clearly see that if this continues the rebels would be nothing more than a terrorist organization, who target ordinary people for the crimes of powerful governments or strong men in the near future .

Even if their goals had some righteousness to it at first, the path which they took would make them nothing but as filthy as their real enemies.

Lisa and Ronin were also urging Dror to escape but all they heard was a  deep sigh . 

The sigh was not just heard by the three young dragon majors but every rebel inside the range of his spiritual sense.

" What is the difference ….

What is the difference between the rebels and the alliance government

if we let this tragedy happen.

What better are we from the merciless Alliance government.

Even the Alliance government  doesn\'t differentiate among the common people, but treat them all alike, as nothing more than slaves or servants.

A true revolutionary will never differentiate among common people. They won\'t classify someone as common people who are affiliated with the alliance government or those affiliated with the rebels .

A True revolutionary fight for the common people and that include every common man without any discrimination.

I will not retreat, I am going to try to prevent this catastrophe from striking the common people… all of you can retreat..."

Dror\'s spiritual message was not just meant for the three dragon majors, but every other rebel soldier.

After listening to the message the  rebel soldiers that were retreating came to a stop.

One of them spoke out to his friends nearby " The dragon major is right, what better are we from the Alliance government if we retreat like this while putting the ordinary people in danger…"

After a pause he continued " hmm… you people should retreat and complete the mission.. I will stay behind and see if I can help Sir Dror in some way.."

Another old soldier rebuked him " young meng, you are still a boy … when we old ones are still here, why would we allow someone like you to take away the glory… Advik, Roger, Lyla, why don\'t we help reinforce the barrier.."

The young meng who was rebuked had reddened cheek and he argued back

  " As if we would allow you old bag of bones to take away our credits.. brothers follow me.."

Similar arguments were taking place within different retreating groups.

Lisa , Ronin and Laurel wanted to say something but they knew their soldier would be greatly demoralized if they forced them to retreat and they themselves knew that Dror was not wrong.

When they were still young this is what they wanted to fight for, for what they deemed right, to alleviate the suffering of the common man.

Everyone turned back and rushed towards the brothel.

When they left earlier,  they had placed certain artifacts around the building to maintain the barrier for as long as possible.

During this time Dror had already activated the sand storm technique to cover the whole floor.

Madam J was weakened after spitting out the poison bag and she reverted back to her human form while retreating, but she soon found that the Sand storm was not simple as her spiritual sense was greatly limited by it.

But she was also someone in the peak of the true warrior realm and she could still maintain a spiritual sense of around 5 meters around her and this was enough for her to escape from here. But she was not looking for an  escape, what she was looking for was to hunt down the enemies who had killed almost all of her underlings and destroyed her business and the best time for it was after the poison bag exploded and poison spread.

Then she would be like a piranha in the water and her enemies drowning in it.

She didn\'t instantly explode the bag because she was also badly hurt in the fight and it would take her a lot of her strength to control the explosion and the deadly poison, even though she wouldn\'t die she would be further weakened.

She was also sure that the authorities won\'t be on her side after she pulled something like this and she would need more strength to escape from them later.

Her plan was to spit out the poison bag, make the enemy retreat in fear while she takes a breather and gain back some of her strength then explode it before the enemy leaves the perimeter of the explosion.

But to her surprise one of the dumb guy\'s didn\'t retreat and continued to attack her.

After forming the earth sphere, Dror casted the sand storm then he called Nympho and Maya for help.

While he himself started forming one hollow earth sphere after another around the poison bag , so that the explosion could be better controlled. 

Madam J transformed into her beast form once again as she sensed danger in the sand storm and she was right to do so, as a chain appeared out of nowhere to entangle her.

Even though the chains were thicker and tougher, the crimson snake was a powerful being it started wriggling with its full power.

Maya was strong, but not that strong she was finding it difficult to tie down the beast.

The same time Nympho who was lurking around also launched its attack  on the left eye of the crimson snake.

The crimson snake was a very sensitive beast it easily detected the attack at the nick of time and closed its eyes and a red hue started forming around its whole body.

Nympho was not someone who  easily  gave up on an attack, even though it was blocked by the red hue, it started vibrating and slowly penetrated the red hue to reach the eyelid.

Knowing that the attack was going to penetrate its eyes, it spit out a violet colored poison along with its magical artifact which attacked the Evil sword.

Nympho could feel the danger of the violet colored poison, it was acidic in nature and corroded anything that came in contact with it, so the Evil sword retreated instantly.

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