
Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Gift

Translator: Transn Editor: Transn

“These days the youth can’t do anything without the mobile, laughing like an idiot.” Lou Cheng’s mom Qi Fang clicked about him playing with his phone in the car while taking the lead towards her sister Qi Yan’s building.

Carrying alcohol, cigarettes, meat, and fish for this new year visit, Lou Cheng chuckled instead of retorting.

Fortunately, there’s a generation gap between mom and I or she would know it is love!

Is it all one-sided? Based on Yan Zheke’s recent responses and our interactions with each other, I feel pretty confident we have gone beyond the friend zone. Whether we’re ready to get more intimate will be another story. Don’t get the false sense and don’t feel too good about myself. Most importantly, don’t act recklessly and ruin the excellent trend!

The revolution is not yet completed, and I must struggle on!

“You are so out. Interpersonal communication of this generation lies on the internet, quite different from our days.” Lou Zhisheng also held bags of new year presents.

“I’m out? If I really don’t get it, will I only give him so little problem? On TV I saw some brutal, irresponsible parents send their children to rehabilitation centers.” Qi Fang talked without getting to the point as she pressed the doorbell on the third floor.

About his aunt’s home and their small supermarket developed slowly from a grocery store, Lou Cheng had great memories. He loved to come here and play in his childhood.

Whenever he had his pitiful eyes on some snacks, his aunt Qi Yan, firm in speech and soft in heart, would give him to eat, satisfying the poor kid from not so opulent circumstances.

The door was opened by Qi Yan in a white down coat. She took bags from Qi Fang’s hands and sneered at Lou Cheng after a quick glance. “Cheng, your mom finally gave you some work to do!”

Looking rather similar to Qi Fang, Qi Yan took great care of her skin thus having few lines in her eyes as if she had just entered her 30s.

“No longer a kid. Of course, he can help with carrying stuff.” Qi Fang changed into slippers casually.

Feeling sorry for her son having so much homework during his high school years, she hardly let him do any housework. He would always get the lightest bags when visiting relatives and friends.

Lou Cheng raised the bags and showed off his muscles. “I’m very strong now. These are just pieces of cake.”

The three of them went in, seeing Lou Cheng’s grandparents and uncle-in-law Chen Wenguo.

“Grandpa, grandma, uncle!” Lou Cheng greeted politely. He felt slightly bad they couldn’t celebrate at his grandparents’ house.

His uncle was a live-in son-in-law and his grandparents were in their 60s, hale and strong. Unwilling to part their familiar life and old neighbors, they still resided in their family house in a village with some farmland and a few chickens.

In front of the family house was a small river of ankle height at the deepest where fish could be caught if fortunate. Further up there was a dam, perfect for fishing. Along the mountain roads were their relatives’ farms of fruit trees, beside which there were bunches of tadpoles swimming around. During each holiday, Lou Cheng would be over-excited to spend his time there.

Other than all these fun things, the filthy and smelly dry toilet was Lou Cheng’s only fear for his grandparents’ house. He wouldn’t go to the toilet until he had to.

Lou Cheng’s grandpa glowed with health. He called loud and bold,

“Why didn’t you come back a few days earlier? Waited until the last minute for Chinese New Year! Come and sit. Have some peanuts and sweets. Pick whatever you like.”

Lou Cheng wanted to tell him peanuts and sweets were not his cup of tea but instead he took a soft candy under his grandparents’ eager eyes.

He had always been the precious one of his grandparents probably because he was the eldest in his generation.

Although poorly educated, his grandpa was a very capable man, good at woodwork, cooking, farming, cultivating, fishing, catching birds and more. He was an absolute idol for Lou Cheng.

The big family sat down and chatted about Lou Cheng’s university life for a long time before moving to the next topic, giving Lou Cheng a break.

“Where is Fei and Xiao?” he asked something about his two younger cousins.

The two girls were both in junior high. Qi Yunfei was in Grade Nine while Chen Xiaoxiao in Grade Seven.

Qi Yan answered irritably, “They left early morning. Dare they not come back for lunch by noon, I’ll break their legs!”

Lou Cheng switched to the point, “Aunt, where can I buy Ningshui County Brewery’s original-proof spirits? And Maojian green tea?”

“Doesn’t our market carry them both?” Uncle-in-law Chen Wenguo interrupted, puzzled.

From the same village with Lou Cheng’s grandpa, the second boy of his family, he fell in love with Qi Yan at a very young age and won his parents-in-law’s heart by becoming a live-in son-in-law. Very hardworking, the couple had moved to this county town for years, from part-time workers to grocery shop owners to have their own small supermarket and houses with no debts.

Lou Cheng was simmering with laughter. “Uncle-in-law, don’t fool me with your original-proof spirits and Maojian green tea. Who’s gonna believe it is real at that price?”

Chen Wenguo laughed loud. “Don’t you look down upon our supermarket. Our original-proof spirits are actually from Ningshui County Brewery, mixed with our local sorghum brew. Very delicious!”

“Why? Those on the market are either fake or of low quality. You can’t find real ones without some solid connections.” Qi Yan asked, confused.

Lou Zhisheng and Qi Fang also turned to their son, searching Lou Cheng’s face for a clue.

Lou Cheng gave half of the truth. “A friend of mine is gonna visit a senior relative who is originally from Ningshui County and very fond of the Brewery’s original-proof spirits and Maojian green tea. He knew I would be in Ningshui and asked me to help him get some.”

Throwing out Director Xing’s name will probably scare my parents...

“Without connections, it’s sheer luck. And it’s almost new year. Sigh,” said Qi Yan, helpless.

Lou Cheng’s grandpa Qi Jiayu said, “Yan, doesn’t Deng the Third often brag about his extensive connections? Ask him for Cheng.”

“Phew! Deng the Third has his nose up in the sky. Every time I see him and hear him talking like a creep, I want to punch his face. Why would I bring myself to him?” Qi Yan answered snappishly.

Lou Cheng smiled. “Don’t trouble yourself. I’m just asking for a friend. No big deal if I can’t get it.”

“Asking a question for Cheng won’t kill you!” Lou Cheng’s grandma Kong Meizhen pinched her daughter.

“Fine. Fine. I’ll go. Come with me, Cheng. Just downstairs.” Qi Yan twitched her mouth.

“Aunt indeed has a sharp tongue but a soft heart...” Lou Cheng snickered while standing up to follow Qi Yan.

The pair took a few steps down and soon arrived at Deng the Third’s home.

Qi Yan warned Lou Cheng as she rang the doorbell. “Cheng, keep your temper later. Nice things never come from Deng the Third’s mouth. Pretend he’s a crazy dog.”

“Got it.” Lou Cheng felt his rashness and precipitancy had been rounded off after yesterday.

The dark red door opened a while later and a man with very thin hair answered, “Qi Yan, you never come to my house for no reason. What can I help you with this time?”

He combed his hair from one side to the other with his fingers to cover the bald crown of his head. Several whelks on his face argued his internal heat.

“Deng the Third, I heard you’ve got extensive connections. Can you get some original-proof spirits from Ningshui County Brewery and Maojian green tea?” Qi Yan asked bluntly.

Deng the Third stared these uninvited visitors up and down and clicked his tongue, “For you? Is it necessary? Why waste the money on your relatives? Don’t go beyond your depth. Gonna be a waste of money and relations.”

“I’m asking if you can get it. Do you have the connections?” Qi Yan took a deep breath.

Lou Cheng could feel his aunt was close to explode. He put on a smile. “We are asking for someone else.”

Deng the Third kept them at the door and let out a long breath. “Let me be frank with you. Yes, I can get them but no, I won’t get them for you. These two things don’t seem that expensive, but the demand is way exceeding the supply. So it takes relations. You know, relations. My connections can get me a limited amount which is not even enough for myself. Who are you? How much can you pay? Why should I help you?”

“Fine! Fine!” Qi Yan was irritated.

He could have said no in a much nicer way! It would lead to a big quarrel if Lou Cheng didn’t pull his aunt.

Lou Cheng had no intention to pay Deng the Third extra for the alcohol and tea as it wouldn’t be a small present anymore. Back home, Qi Yan threw a blizzard of complaints about Deng the Third at her mother, cursing sores on his head and pustules under his feet.

“Aunt has no connection and I know no one else in Ningshui County. Who can I seek help from? Should I just buy regular Ningshui hard liquor and green tea?” Lou Cheng considered within himself.

If Wang Xu is still here, the original-proof spirits should be easy to get...

Besides Yan Zheke in Jiangnan, among all his friends only Tao Xiaofei, Qin Rui and Dai Linfeng might be able to get it...

Still a student, Lou Cheng’s social circle was mostly made up by students. He walked to the balcony and dialed Tao Xiaofei’s number.

After a long wait, Tao Xiaofei finally answered in a very sleepy voice,

“Brother Lou, what’s the matter?”

“Still in bed?” Lou Cheng started with a casual weather talk.

Tao Xiaofei replied with a wry smile, “I didn’t go to bed until six this morning.”

“Young as you never run out of energy.” Lou Cheng poked fun at him before cutting to the point. “Do you know where I can get some Ningshui County Brewery’s original-proof spirits and Maojian green tea?”

Tao Xiaofei was lost. “Brother Lou, what for?”

“The thing earlier bothered Director Xing quite a bit. I’m thinking to pay a new year call with something nice to his taste.” Lou Cheng told the truth.

Tao Xiaofei burst into a laugh. “Brother Lou, you’ve come to the right guy! I’ll bring it to you. Two bottles and two boxes, enough?”

“Enough! I’ll pay you.” Lou Cheng was delighted.

“Brothers talk no money! He-heh. Honestly, my dad has the same taste. We’ve got quite some in the house. I’ll just sneak some to you. He’ll get more anyway,” said Tao Xiaofei in a cheerful manner.

Lou Cheng could not refrain from laughter. “Aren’t you afraid of Uncle Tao kicking your ass?”

“Nope! My skin is too thick for that! He wants to kick my ass everyday anyway!” Tao Xiaofei finally spoke like a young man in his late teens, not a punk who spent most of his time in bars and pubs. “Brother Lou, where are you now? I’ll bring it to you.”

“Not now. I’m in Ningshui. Meet me before the seventh.” Lou Cheng smiled joyfully.

Tao Xiaofei insisted. “I’ll bring it to you. It’s under an hour by car. My mom is planning to spend the holiday in Nanhai. I’m not sure when I’ll leave from Xiushan.”

After giving him the full address, Lou Cheng returned to the living room and rejoined the conversation with his family.

Just over 40 minutes later, his phone rang and it was Tao Xiaofei.

Lou Cheng walked out of the building while speaking to him on the phone. At the entrance of the complex, he saw a sedan of the BMW 7-series.

“Brother Lou!” Tao Xiaofei got out of the car and greeted, passing him a bag of two bottles of the original-proof spirit and two boxes of Maojian green tea.

The original-proof spirits were in very rough package, as if from a small house brewery.

“Don’t judge it by the bottle. The rougher it looks, the greater it tastes!” Tao Xiaofei laughed.

Lou Cheng quickly glanced at it and took it over. He said sincerely, “Thanks a million!”

“No problem! A piece of cake!” Tao Xiaofei answered with alacrity. “We are classmates!”

He clicked his tongue.

“I don’t want you to fight for me. I was really shocked yesterday... I don’t feel like dancing or seeking excitements as much as before. I’m actually pretty old in bars. Last night a chick I picked was taken away by another dude but I didn’t say a thing. Whatever. She was neither my wife nor my girlfriend. Places like that never run out of girls. What’s the point getting angry and fighting for girls?”

Lou Cheng looked at him, surprised. “Good for you! Your family has great power and wealth. No point losing everything for a girl. Who could you cry to?”

Tao Xiaofei nodded with great solemnity. “Life matters more than anything else! One can only enjoy if he’s alive.”

“Ha-hah! You sound like an old man in his 70s.” Lou Cheng laughed at him.

Tao Xiaofei resumed his usual bearing. “Brother Lou, I won’t ask more from you. Considering your current strength at such a young age, one day you’ll be big on TV. Please don’t pretend you don’t know me so I can brag in front of my friends. Look! That hero Lou Cheng had BBQ with me last night! An old friend of mine!”

“Deal! He-heh. How sweet of you!” Lou Cheng promised merrily.

Watching Tao Xiaofei leaving in his luxury vehicle, Lou Cheng phoned Yan Zheke before heading back to his aunt’s place.

Before reaching his aunt’s, he heard Deng the Third’s voice.

“Okay or not, be straight with me! You guys are lucky. A friend of mine has it left. A bottle of the original-proof spirit for 800 yuan, and a box of Maojian green tea for 1,200 yuan. 2,000 yuan in total. Let me know you want it or not!”

“Yes, it’s more expensive than the market price but I can guarantee you it is real and you won’t get the same deal if you pass this. Does your family have any connection? You can’t get it if not extremely lucky!”

Lou Cheng laughed while pushing open the half closed door.

“No need. I got it already.”

Got it? Qi Fang and Qi Yan turned towards Lou Cheng, in shock.

Cheng answered a call ten minutes ago and came back just now with the liquor and the tea already?

“Got it? Is it fake?” Deng the Third’s face darkened and approached his bag recklessly without asking for permission. He took a close look and remained silent.

After a moment, he questioned, “How much did you pay? It is real but you might be ripped off!”

Lou Cheng answered with a bright grin,

“It’s a gift. Free.”

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